Any Aloe Vera users?


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Just curious if there was a point where everyone here tried Aloe Vera or not. It definitely cools my scalp, but I don't want to use it if it could make things worse. Not a lot of research, but it is cited as a possible tool against hair loss. Thoughts?


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i cant make things worse. should help with any inflammation you have and might ever so mildly work against pgd2


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There has been no evidence whatsoever to show that using aloe would cause hair loss or hair problems.

Some say that they had good results from applying the aloe topically onto their scalp and through the hair follicles. In and of itself, this is a good method because there are some enzymes in aloe that have been shown to stimulate new growth in the hair.

Like many other natural cures or natural medicine, there is not much science that backs up these claims because drug companies want you to use their product and not less expensive natural products.