Any consensus on which teas are best?


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I've heard green tea inhibits DHT, then I heard it raises DHT. Then I also heard good things about black tea. Any consensus on this? I love tea and just want to know which type I should favor.

g.i joey

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yeah, personally what i do is take the green tea, mix it with the black tea and then throw it away cause it wont do anything to progress or slow down your hairloss.


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Joey is right. The only tea that'll have any effect whatsoever on your hairloss is the DH Tea. Try to have as little of that as possible.


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Haha I don't especially wish to "tee" any person's off by augmenting to this sections waning atmosphere of hope, however realism is a prerequisite for success so I have to admit that your (Chromeo) intentional wit is duly apropos to the topic at hand.:fun:

I've been a big tea drinker myself and sadly after years of regular consumption Ihave not yet experienced the positive responses we are all seeking.

This is not to state, imply, or suggest otherwise that tea does not meritoriously promote other medicinal pluses.

It's finest perk may be that it is for me very soothing to my sense of well being. Add raw honey to my tea and I usually feel like today might "my lucky day".
Joey is right. The only tea that'll have any effect whatsoever on your hairloss is the DH Tea. Try to have as little of that as possible.