Any Diffuse, Retrograde Thinners Have A Successful Transplant?


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After reading this forum for a while, I've seen it said multiple times that diffuse thinners are poor transplant candidates for various reasons. I am a diffuse thinner who also seems to have retrograde alopecia, which is when the sides and nape of neck also thin out. I do have a small donor area which thus far seems to be immune to thinning, but I have a huge vertex bald spot that's ~80% bald, and the nape of my neck and sides are thinning, as I mentioned.

Given this, I was wondering if there are any folks here who have this same type of diffuse, retrograde alopecia yet have had a successful transplant with a good aesthetic result. To be clear, I do also have recession and miniaturization, so I would be looking to lower my hairline a bit in the front and corner areas. I'm wondering if that's even feasible given my type of balding. Any anecdotes and experiences - both positive and negative - are appreciated. Or even if you could share any info gleaned from consultations with transplant surgeons. Thanks.
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Do you have DPA or DUPA? Plenty of people with DPA have had successful transplants. The areas that retrograde alopecia touches are frequently not thought to be a part of the safe zone anyway. Most likely the more important factor is what Norwood class your diffusion is taking on.

I am a diffuse thinner and the surgeon i consulted with didnt seem concerned, though ive had no transplant yet. Google diffuse transplant or look it up on YouTube and you will see some successes.


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Do you have DPA or DUPA? Plenty of people with DPA have had successful transplants. The areas that retrograde alopecia touches are frequently not thought to be a part of the safe zone anyway. Most likely the more important factor is what Norwood class your diffusion is taking on.

I am a diffuse thinner and the surgeon i consulted with didnt seem concerned, though ive had no transplant yet. Google diffuse transplant or look it up on YouTube and you will see some successes.

Thanks for the reply. I don't know whether I have DPA or DUPA - can a dermatologist or transplant surgeon determine that by examination, or is something like a biopsy or other technique needed? Ditto for how they would go about determining one's eventual Norwood class. Currently my temple recession is between a NW2.5-3.0, and I have a huge swathe of vertex that is 80+% or more bald.


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Thanks for the reply. I don't know whether I have DPA or DUPA - can a dermatologist or transplant surgeon determine that by examination, or is something like a biopsy or other technique needed? Ditto for how they would go about determining one's eventual Norwood class. Currently my temple recession is between a NW2.5-3.0, and I have a huge swathe of vertex that is 80+% or more bald.

Does anyone know the answers to the questions above? Or can anyone who has diffuse, retrograde thinning share their transplant experiences or what they've heard from consultations? Thanks.