Any ideas from what my shed is from?


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Its been a while since I've posted here, probably around 4-5 months, but thats becuase my hair was doing so good with what I was using. I've been on rogaine for almost a whole year now. I had started using propecia around feb or march and quit it about 1 1/2-2 months ago.

For the past week and a half I've been shedding like crazy. Is this becuase I quit propecia? or is it a regular minoxidil shed?

I quit propecia due to minor side effects. My sex drive had dropped dramtically, I was still able to get a full hard, but still would be difficult to get there even if some pussy was infront of my face, there was even times I had to jack off just to get hard to get into the cat and that was emberassing. I had went from wanted to have sex 3 times a day to only wanting it every other day. Since I quit propecia my sex drive has been coming back like thunder in the last two weeks, but unfortumetly I've been shedding real bad during those two weeks too.

What should I do? I've been debating with myself if I should get back on propecia and lower the dose to only a fourth of the pill(.25mg)



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no one here can really answer that for you, its all about what is more important to you. Did those side effects remain the entired time? And why didn't you try slowly leveling off the level, perhaps cutting the propecia in half and using it everyday (it has been known to be just as effective at the .5 mg dose as the 1mg) would dim down your side effects. In my opinion, your shed if from stopping propecia, most likely it will continue until all the hair that propecia preserved is gone; if you can live with that, and hair loss just isn't a big issue for you anymore (i.e. sex is more important) then just stick with the rogaine and see what happens, but you were having some success it sounds like, and i think it would be worth it to see what .5mg would do for you.