Any Members Feedback On Dr Villnow's Work


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Im doing some research just now on Dr Villnow and I'm keen to hear any experiences members of this site have had ?

I have seen his website and high profile work ,but can't find much recent work, Done in the last couple of years.

Thanks for any replies.


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No mistakes made here chief just asking for a droppy feedback if you have nothing that's really helpful to ad then there is nothing to see here , please move along !


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Jumpin jezus !! I never knew that a German Surgeon based in Düsseldorf who uses a U.K. Domain to web host is written off by the glitterati on here for advertising to the uk public ! talk about a hard brexit .
I also fully realise this German Surgeon may have done some operations in the U.K. In the past.
I'm struggling to get past the chaff here .


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My Regimen
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dude I had my op with him way back when and he's awesome. Ignore the haters and check out the Heavy and the Telegrah articles on him

http //heavy com/sports/2015/04/ulla-klopp-jurgens-wife-hot-wag-hair-book/

http //www telegraph co uk/men/the-filter/11918646/Six-things-Jurgen-Klopp-can-teach-us-about-being-a-man.html