Any pics supporting spironolactone????


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Does anyone know if there are any pictures supporting spironolactone?? If there are can you please post them. I'm sure there has to be I've just never come across any.


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I'm gonna keep bumbing this thing till someone answers me. :D I'm still at a lost for finding any pictures supporting spironolactone as a single agent.


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well the problem is I don't think anyone is using JUST spironolactone. Most of us are using it with minoxidil or finasteride or CP's or all of the above.
Pictures of spironolactone only users may be pretty hard if not impossible to come by.


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BadHairDecade said:
well the problem is I don't think anyone is using JUST spironolactone. Most of us are using it with minoxidil or finasteride or CP's or all of the above.
Pictures of spironolactone only users may be pretty hard if not impossible to come by.

I agree 100%. Just about every product is a compliment to another in effectiveness. Finasteride alone is proably the only treatment that can be used without anything and be truly effective in regards to what the avg male pattern baldness sufferer will find acceptable.


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Thanks guys! So in other words there are no pictures to support spironolactone's efficiency as a single agent alone. Therefore, I'm off that B.S.


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I know Jesusfreak had a post that talked about spironolactone and I remembered it saying that he was on it awhile before he saw improvements.