Any Reason For Me Not To Get A Transplant?


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Right now I am probably a NW2a or 3, and I'm 27 years old. I can't take Propecia because it caused me lots of issues at the times I tried.

My father is a NW5 at 70. I doubt my hair loss will be worse than his or at least I hope not. Today I was looking at his hair and thinking he could get 3500 grafts and have a somewhat ok hairline, even with this advanced hair loss. The vertex is not so important.

I have always had a slightly big forehead in addition to the recession and would love to be able to wear my hair however I want for once! So it made me think, why should I not go for a 2000-2500 and have my hairline brought forward now, at 27, without any maintenance drug. What is the worst that can happen? Needing to go in for another FUE later? By the time I need another transplant or repair, there should be at least ONE good maintenance product on the market (we hope).

So I am thinking I might book in for a transplant this year. I am very, very impressed with Dr Bhatti's work and think he can do a good job. Any reason why I shouldn't?


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If you're ok with having a decent hairline but a bald crown in your future then go for it. You're not going to live forever, only young once and now is when your looks will matter most. When you're 50 your looks won't really matter much anymore anyway.