Anybody actually lowered their body fat while on finasteride?

George Costanza

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If so, how?


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I went from ~ 15/16% to currently ~10% bodyfat in 3-4 months. I trained 4x a week, ate 6x a day, and cycled both calories and carbs. Calorie range went from 1600 - 2500 (Start weight 170 pounds) and carbs went from around 40 - 250. Basically training days were high calorie days, and non-training days were a bit lower. Currently i weigh 165 so I actually gained muscle in the process. I do have age on my side as i'm only 21.

Also diet was very clean, wasn't getting 1600 calories from double a whopper or anything. Some people gain weight from finasteride because after a while your body smartens up and converts the extra testosterone to estrogen. You might go up a % or two in bodyfat, but nothing some minor excersize can't easily take care of.


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Yes. Standard method - ate less sh*t food, weights 4 times a week or more, cardio 4 times a week, walked up stairs instead of using elevator where applicable.


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Yes, I went from about 18%bf to 10%. I am at about 12% right now, but dropping quite well again. The holidays were pretty bad for me, but if your diet is in check and you exercise on a semi-regular basis you will be fine.


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I basically starved.. not on purpose though. Having to sit through 3 hour labs, and having a nice sandwhich in your bag and not being able to eat it because your hands are covered in antibiotic resistant bacteria and/or mutagenic chemicals kinda mean you just have to wait :/


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I didnt notice any weight gain while on propecia, I am currently still taking propecia

The shedder

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I also have lowered my body weight (notice not bodyfat) while on Propecia. I urinated alot also so Propecia may have a diuretic effect but I also cut out carbs alot like Atkins. For you all trying to lose weight try Atkins and hit the gym and you'll reach results soon.