Anybody getting good results with Prescription Proxiphen?


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Im think about investing in Dr.Proctor's prescription Proxiphen and i was wondering if anybody has had good results using it ?. Any regrowth, maintainance, or thickening ?. I've been reading a lot of negative things about Proxiphen on's forum and people are saying it doesn't work except for Bryan. Also Dr. Lee said that spironolactone and Minoxidil were not stable in the same solution so would this make Proxiphen ineffective ?. Does Proxiphen smell bad ?. Is their enough of each ingrediant in Phoxiphen to be effective ?. Please i really need some answers here because i want to make a decision fast. Thanks!


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Have the people on hairsite actually tried it or are they just assuming that its not working?


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Very good question, all the ingredients produce more documented results, but I too hear that spironolactone, minoxidil, and Peps render each other ineffective when compounded together in the same solution, at least to some degree, that is why I am playing it safe by using spironolactone and minoxidil in seperate applications and may alternate the Peps and spironolactone night/day, this may be the best way to go. Just a little more work in the end.


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So what else is in Dr.Proctors prescription Proxiphen that is important to treat hair loss except for Minoxidil, spironolactone, and copper peptides? Right now im using the following and i was wondering if i really need Proxiphen and if there's anything important in Phoxiphen that im missing in my regimen.

Xandrox 15 (night)
Xandrox 5 (day)
5% spironolactone (night)
Revivogen (shampoo on Sunday),(conditioner M,W,F,Sun,), (,scalp serum)
Dr.Lee's regrowth shampoo ( M,W,F,)
Dr.Proctor's Nano shampoo & Conditioner (T,Th,Sat,)
Copper Peptides (2 x per day)
Propecia ( 1mg daily )
Laser Comb (M,W,F,)

So is there any need for me to take prescription Proxiphen with my regimen ? Is there anything i would be missing in the Proxiphen that is important ? Should i switch to the Proxiphen and drop the 5% spironolactone, Copper Peptides, and Xandrox 5 ? and would it be more effective if i did this or i used my regimen above and didn't use the Proxiphen ? If i could get some help and advise i would really appreciate it as i need to make up my regimen soon. Please any expert advice would be great. Im not really concerned about the time or the money, just the best results and most effective regimen. Thanks!


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Lasercomb too huh, I would drop the Viviscal and add finasteride or even Nizoral 2%,, otherwise your using all the best products


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stabone1979 said:
Lasercomb too huh, I would drop the Viviscal and add finasteride or even Nizoral 2%,, otherwise your using all the best products
He IS using finasteride (Propecia 1 mg)


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So should i swith to Proxiphen and drop the 5% spironolactone, copper peptides, and Xandorx 5 ? What would give me the best results this or my current regimen? Please any advice. Also the regrowth shampoo has 2% Nizoral in it.


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I'm blind


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So which regimen would be better and more effective ?

Xandrox 15 (night)
Xandrox 5 (day)
5% spironolactone (night)
Revivogen (shampoo on Sunday),(conditioner M,W,F,Sun,), (,scalp serum)
Dr.Lee's regrowth shampoo ( M,W,F,)
Dr.Proctor's Nano shampoo & Conditioner (T,Th,Sat,)
Copper Peptides (2 x per day)
Propecia ( 1mg daily )
Laser Comb (M,W,F,)


Xandrox 15 (night)
Dr.Proctors Prescription Proxiphen

Revivogen (shampoo on Sunday),(conditioner M,W,F,Sun,), (,scalp serum)
Dr.Lee's regrowth shampoo ( M,W,F,)
Dr.Proctor's Nano shampoo & Conditioner (T,Th,Sat,)

Propecia ( 1mg daily )
Laser Comb (M,W,F,)

Please any expert advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!