Anybody here ever think about going into dermatology?


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After all the talking about this sh*t, and studying and all the crap we do, you'd think we'd be great candidates for becoming derms. The kinda derms we'd all wanna be referred to :p Just something I was thinking about anyway.


Established Member
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im going to take a biology course next semester simply because of how ive felt about my hair, and what ive learned has intrigued me. So yeah, the though has crossed my mind.


Established Member
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I'm kind of going into that direction.. not the person to person aspect, but the research side.

Could the next Dr.Lee be in our midst?


I'm sticking to crime, got 15 kids to think about and anyhow we don't have derms in the UK just one doctor for every 240,000 people who deals with everything, hair, feet, eyes and so on, they will also do loans and some light painting and decorating if you ask them.


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hair is only a small portion of Dermatology...THere's so many skin disorders and lets not forget about skin cancer.


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I've actually considered going for dermatology or maybe biotec, but in some way i feel that i would just be feeding my obsecion with my hair loss and im really sick of it ive wasted too many years already im 19 and i feel old

The Gardener

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Great idea. All we need is one fool amongst us to actually GET a Medical Doctorate and then that person could hire the rest of us to build an official bricks-and-mortar Hairloss Clinic.

Our clinic would be the best. We'd invite patients in and give them GOOD and REAL advice. We'd formulate our OWN overpriced 'designer' minoxidil and have classes on how to apply it and other topicals and give advice and tips on how to blend the regimen into day-to-day life. We'd also have our trusty team of medical assistants, all hot females of course, and that stripper girl on the loop clip McPauley posted would be employee number one. We'd also have boomboxes in every consultation room, and a cooler full of beer in back. We'll also need a private jet to visit our offices across the pond, and of course to get us to Ibiza or Las Vegas or Rio de Janeiro on the weekends without having to deal with airport security.


The Gardener said:
Great idea. All we need is one fool amongst us to actually GET a Medical Doctorate

I´m on my way there.

Actually I´m thinking, once stemcells will be available or if haircloning (I DOUBT) will turn out as good as on paper, you could make ALOT of money by opening your own practice. Smack it down in the central of a bigger city and just count the money.

Could you imagine how much you could charge for a new set of hair, stripped of male pattern baldness affinity :shock: People would easily pay 20´ - 30´ dollars just to have a new set of permanent hair - EASILY! They´d start selling other, less vital organs like the liver just to have new hair.


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i thought they always studied the life and mating patterns of triceratops