Anybody here on prozac?


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Or maybe I spelled it wrong, I don't know. Anyway, it was recommended that I at least consider it for this slight... or maybe not-so-slight bout of depression that I'm going through. Just thought I'd ask.

Not to discourage the "hear-say" comments, but I'd really like to hear from somebody who was on it, and tell me if it worked/helped, and if it made their hair loss situation work.

One encouraging thing is that I found a site on google (saerched for "prozac + hair loss") that suggested that if prozac does further hair loss along, those hairs will grow back once the medication is ceased. Those hairs meaning the hairs affected by some mechanism other than those induced by the prozac.

Hope this makes sense. Thanks in advance for any comments. PEACE!

The shedder

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I was on paxil for a year when my hair started to fall out. It's great for doping you up and making you feel better for the time being. It eased my anxiety greatly while i was on it and I did not dwell on miniscule problems like i usually do. It did make me very lethargic though. I had very bad withdrawl symptoms probably due to the controlled release of serotonin stopped after I stopped taking it. I'm thinking of going on it again. I also read an article that it can lead to hairloss I'll look for it again. Good Luck and enjoy the prozac my freind, but not too much alcohol with it you'll feel like a zombie :x