Anybody in the NY area?


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Has anyone in the NY/NJ/CT area ever heard of a hair specialist named Dr. Robert Auerbach? I just got an appointment with dermatologist heard that he is supposed to be very good, and he better be at $250-350 per consultation!


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marksb11 said:
Has anyone in the NY/NJ/CT area ever heard of a hair specialist named Dr. Robert Auerbach? I just got an appointment with dermatologist heard that he is supposed to be very good, and he better be at $250-350 per consultation!

300$ for telling you to use Propecia and Minoxidil ?



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I'm in NJ. Never heard of him. Consultation for what?


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for hair loss. i've seen four dermatologists, 2 who say i have male pattern baldness and 2 who say i don't. this guy is a hair specialist, so i figure he will know best. maybe he will even do a scalp/hair culture to see if i have some kind of infection or something. i'm not convinced i have male pattern baldness yet.


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well isn't male pattern baldness hereditary? just check out your family members are any of them bald/thinning? imo 95% of all dermatologists out there are USELESS when it comes to the issue of hairloss especially when you do not know the cause of your hair loss. believe me i'm experiencing the same thing and i've visited 4 dermatologists already and only one was even worth seeing. good luck.

i say f*** the dermatologists and get a free, helpful, and honest answer from your friendly forum neighbors :)

good luck. and if you do happent to visit this guy... keep me updated with what he tells you. thanks


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I can't deny that there are some instances of hair loss in my family. My dad, who is in his mid 50's, still has a full head of hair. His father, who is in his late 70's has a pretty solid head of hair. My mom's father, who just passed away last week (RIP) had gone bald, but had not done so until he was fairly old. My mom claims that her brothers hair is thinning, but in the past 15 years, I haven't seen any changes in his hair.

So, I guess it could really be male pattern baldness, but I just don't know why it would be kicking in so early. Also, if my dad and his father still have healthy hair, I would expect to have lasted, well, a little longer. I can't imagine being bald before my dad and grandfather at age 19 or 20. Its very sad.[/list]