Anybody knows a good virtual hairstyle website ?


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I want to see how I look with different hairstyles, and even when totally shaved. Do you know of any website that can do this well ? (you upload an image of yours and choose the hairstyle and it morphs).


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Peter_mac said:
I want to see how I look with different hairstyles, and even when totally shaved. Do you know of any website that can do this well ? (you upload an image of yours and choose the hairstyle and it morphs).

Let me know if you find one. I just like a free style with mild spikes in front. That seems to work best on most guys.

Don't spend to much time on this. Go with the most manageable style while you learn how to do the piece. Getting the transition perfect so you can't find it will not be easy. Many guys just comb them together and hope no woman touches that area. I think the technology is here to fool them all the way, and we should get the transitions down.


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id really like to know too ive tried looking as well there must be one surely.


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Thanks Cassin. $15 USD for a 3 month membership, I think I'll give it a try.

I think of going with the Ceasar hairstyle:



With the help of toppik I can pull this hairstyle even now with my real hair, so as long as I keep the density sane, people should have no problem to believe I did it with my real hair, and didn't need a wig.

Another benefit of this hairstyle is that minimal hairline is exposed, and you can cover your temples with ease.

The only thing I don't like about this hairstyle, is that it is pretty short. I will never be able to switch to a longer hair piece, unless I switch jobs (which won't happen in the near future). But maybe I'm asking for too much, maybe I should just say thanks that people will think I have decent hair, and not try to make it one of my stronger points of appearance, since it's fake afterall...


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Ok, I think I found my hairstyle... (such an excellent execution with that topper).


  • 1.jpg
    97.9 KB · Views: 276

chore boy

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Where did you get that photo if you don't mind me asking? Is it a wig?


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First of all this "before" image was taken after he emptied a bottle of toppik on his head (his own words). Second, after that pic was taken, he went through an un-successful hair transplant, and he do not want to show his head now.

chore boy

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Exactly, Peter_Mac... people often fail to read the fine print.

I've been thinking about getting a wig and it seems like this outfit might be the best supplier. Their forum contains real-life photos of folks with decent pieces... alot better that some of its competitor's official galleries.


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chore boy said:
Exactly, Peter_Mac... people often fail to read the fine print.

I've been thinking about getting a wig and it seems like this outfit might be the best supplier. Their forum contains real-life photos of folks with decent pieces... alot better that some of its competitor's official galleries.

I think there are several good places to buy apart from Toplace (for example coolpiece, hair4all, and more). Most are offering the same type of bases with same type hair.

In my opinion the crucial part is blending it the right way with your existing hair. The best pics that I've seen usually had the same in common:
1. Excellent color blend between top and sides.
2. Somewhat lower hair density at the front.
3. Hair combed slightly or fully forward, somewhat covering the temples.
4. usage of hair products (not have to be too much).

I'm not saying if those rules aren't followed then it's going to look bad, but I never saw a bad execution when all these 4 rules were followed.

chore boy

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Thinking I might need virgin european hair instead of remy, though. I'm Ukrainian in descent and I think it might be more appropriate than Indian hair. Then again... I'm a newbie in hair replacement.

chore boy

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Check out the single photo on the main page, third row down.... the one that says 2005 toplace on it and shows the left side of dude's head. That's probably the style I'd be looking to acheive. I'd like to see more pics of his piece but he doesn't appear to be in the photo gallery.

chore boy

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I don't know how to post pics here but go to TL's forum and go to the third page of threads. Scroll down a bit and you'll find a thread called "first time posting pics" by Kevo88.

Dude's got it short on the sides... looks good.

optimus prime

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When I read your posts, in my head I hear it as Michael Jackson's voice. You need to change your avator or I will be hearing MJ talk about hairloss.


chore boy

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you're being ignorant... stop being ignorant.