Anybody Who is norwood 2.5 or 3 get regrowth from just Propecia?


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Just wondering if anyone has had desireable results with this in the front temple area who is a norwood 2.5 or 3


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My older is 2 to 3 Norwoody and has been on propecia for about 7 months but I don't know if he has regrow any hair. My mother said he has grown hair and look thicker but he always wear a hat so I can't say myself. He always wears a hat even before he has a hair loss but I know the wearing the hat didn't do the hair loss.


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are those pics your results action?
Ive seen those pics somewhere else
if sao I can tell you have had regrowth along the hairline from propecia u use anything else?
did u ever shed from Propecia?