Anyone Else At A Lower Norwood Feel Like They're On An Emotional Rollercoaster?


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The last 2 days I felt like my thinning in front was super obvious. I felt like a deformed freak walking around.

Today I woke up, pulled back the bangs to view my hairline, and I was like, "eh, it's really not that bad."

This going back and forth is typical for me.


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The last 2 days I felt like my thinning in front was super obvious. I felt like a deformed freak walking around.

Today I woke up, pulled back the bangs to view my hairline, and I was like, "eh, it's really not that bad."

This going back and forth is typical for me.

I've been through some sh*t in life, as we all have and nothing, I repeat NOTHING has ever made me as bipolar as hair loss. The uncertainty is horrible. I honestly do wish this sh*t just happened over night. There is a point when everyday you might think your hair looks like sh*t. I went from the way you are feeling now, to this point in a matter of months. I don't have "good hair days" anymore. I don't have enough hair for that. :/


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depends on the lightning

you feel yourself like decaying zombie most of time but sometimes "it is not bad"


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The last 2 days I felt like my thinning in front was super obvious. I felt like a deformed freak walking around.

Today I woke up, pulled back the bangs to view my hairline, and I was like, "eh, it's really not that bad."

This going back and forth is typical for me.
Get used to it. After your transplant, you will be going thru it even more until you get thru the "ugly duckling" stage. But I know what you mean. It basically good hair days and bad hair days. I just don't get how my hair looks its best at the end of the day? Why can't it be like that all day?


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So many factors, time of day, how clean/greasy your hair is, if you've been wearing a hat, natural lighting, unnatural lighting, harsh lighting, soft lighting, position relative to light source. These will all affect how your hair looks. Supposedly when hair gets to around 50% original density, appearance becomes very situational, it can look really good or obviously thinning. You're never going to get more than 50fu per cm2 with the first pass of a hair transplant, unless you're doing reinforcement, and then theres the shock loss/transection risk.

Hair line is a different beast if density is not the main issue.


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Today was definitely one of my more "down" days hair wise.

Although sometimes my combover looks super legit, today it looked like garbage to me, and no amount of readjusting seemed to improve it. I had to make it a hat day. Then I was out to dinner for a family birthday, and my Uncle who's a thick NW2 in his late 50's was there...I like him but his presence sometimes reminds me of my genetic inferiority. There was also a table of what looked like high school kids nearby, and one of them was rocking his NW1 in this kind of style:

And I was just thinking how nice it would be to be able to wear my hair like that and expose my hairline like that without a worry.

Some days are harder than others for sure...sometimes I have days where I think maybe my hair is not nearly f*cked up enough to justify my upcoming transplant, and then I have days like today that bring me back to the reality of my paranoia and self-consciousness. I know if I were to cancel my transplant, I would regret it the second I did


Man, I think people who haven't had some hair loss by the time they are In their forties ought to be taxed 50% to balance out the playing field.


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Bangs? You still have bangs?

All I have is a comb-forward, where the hair behind the temples reaches forward barely long enough to cover them. Currently I'm somewhere between a NW2 and NW2.5 but since I also have diffuse loss it's a bit worse than a normal NW2 would be as far as styling goes.

What you described in the OP sounds like every day of my life for the past year.


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I have these days all the time. Lighting and my mood dictates how I feel about my hair.

I'm so sick of this nightmare and the worst part is that it's just beginning and won't be getting any better.


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Bangs? You still have bangs?

All I have is a comb-forward, where the hair behind the temples reaches forward barely long enough to cover them. Currently I'm somewhere between a NW2 and NW2.5 but since I also have diffuse loss it's a bit worse than a normal NW2 would be as far as styling goes.

What you described in the OP sounds like every day of my life for the past year.
The worst. I did a comb forward while I was nw3 for awhile. Crestone that hairline.

Looked like absolute trash. I remember at 20 years old someone telling me my hair looks stringy mop on top. Literally had Bo aesthetic value except creatine a hairline. Looked pathetic from profile because I had parallel sides with no temple points. Could see that I was growing out the temples to hide my sly spot.

It looked like absolute trash. Don't realise how bad it looks until I go back and look at pictures. This hair Los Delluded me of actual peteceptions of others. I started to believe on my good days that it looked good. However it always looked like sh*t. Sun would shine through and show bald temples.

Couldn't even grow the sides because of retro