anyone else ever quit rogaine?


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I quit after a little over a year because i hated applying it and didnt see much result. Its been about 3 months off the stuff but i feel like my hair is getting thinner fast in the middle or vertex. It may be just in my head but i dont no. Has anyone else ever quit after a long time and what were your results? Did you start back up again?

If i did start again would i go through another shed?


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Yeah, i quit rogain because i was not sure it was doing anything for me and i too hated applying the stuff too. But in my case i feel it was a mistake and i started back on it again.


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What is your current regime?


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Any hair loss product that you stop using for some time, will start up your hair loss again. Thats why every all hair loss products have be to use for life. If you want it to work. Because you stop taking Rogaine, your hair is getting thinner. Now, you have to options go on Propecia or Proscar(same drug but one have bigger amount) or let your hair loss progress. You may want to start propecia to block the DHT in your body. It also not good to stop Rogaine, cool turkey. You should of progressly use less and less over time and than stop using it altogether. But that's only if you start to use propecia. Because you will not be depend on the minoxidil and you will not see a big shedding.


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I quit rogaine after a month. I was definitely getting some shedding from it, but that was to be expected. That's not what bothered me. I don't understand how anyone can get away with it in the front unless they have very short hair or use gel or hairspray. So I'm not sure if it would have worked... only that it was making my hair look way too greasy and thin to be worth it.


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I quit rogaine after a month. I was definitely getting some shedding from it, but that was to be expected. That's not what bothered me. I don't understand how anyone can get away with it in the front unless they have very short hair or use gel or hairspray. So I'm not sure if it would have worked... only that it was making my hair look way too greasy and thin to be worth it.


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Thanks guys,

I did quit rogaine slowly, I went from 2x times a day to once a day for 3 months then on and off till i stopped all together.

ALso for those that asked what else i do..

I have been on Finasteride for about 3 years solid.

Also Nizoral shampoo.


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tpeter said:
Thanks guys,

I did quit rogaine slowly, I went from 2x times a day to once a day for 3 months then on and off till i stopped all together.

ALso for those that asked what else i do..

I have been on Finasteride for about 3 years solid.

Also Nizoral shampoo.

Hows Finasteride working for you after 3 years of using it? Did your hair descent or stay the same? Also what norwood are you?


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I originally used minoxidil for around 9 months with great results to the point that I felt I didn't need it anymore so stopped using it.. Big mistake - after 3 months off it my hair started shedding very heavilly & it became very thin :freaked: So i'm back on minoxidil now & after several more months have returned back to a reasonable state :)

People need to remember that minoxidil is a life support system for your hair... If you switch it off after prolonged use :cry: you will loose all those surviving follicles/hairs that would have otherwise died months/years ago....

too bald too furious

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Why would anyone want to quit minoxidil after getting benefits from it. Apart from the minoxidil giving life to your hair, you can still use minoxidil as a styling agent. I personally feel minoxidil gives my hair more weightage and thickness. I am optimistic that i will respond to minoxidil. I have just crossed the 1 month mark, eagerly waiting to see how I am at the end of month 6.


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Why would anyone want to quit minoxidil after getting benefits from it

I became complacent, I took the great results I got for granted.. My hair returned to a point where I felt I no longer needed minoxidil. It can create a false sense of security when it really works & your hair becomes thick.. I won't make that mistake again.. :oops:


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in response to how has Propecia worked for me and what norwood i am.

I would say propecia has kept me pretty close to where i was 3 years ago with maybe a little thinning on the vertex.

I would say I am a 2.5

I have a receding hairline more then anything else.

Its sucks because i have always had a high hairline to begin with and no it looks higher.


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Here is the rub about minoxidil. Minoxidil can be working for you, but your hair can continue to thin. Sounds dumb right? Not really.

In my situation I used Minoxidil for 11 month and my hair continued to thin. I never actually noticed a difference in how fast my hair was thinning on or off minoxidil, but I guess minoxidil was slowing this process down without reversing it. However, at month 12 when i decided not to apply minoxidil anymore because of the sligh irritation it caused me, I shed, and have continued to shed, so viciously that there is no possible way to conceal my baldness.

I'm planning to try the 15% solution and see if that will kick the grown back into gear.