Anyone else experience this?


Established Member
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I've been on propecia for two weeks.

Before I took propecia my farts used to be high-pitched squeakers. Ever since I've been on propecia my farts have been kind of flat with more of a bass sound to them.

This is a problem because my high-pitched squeakers always got more laughs than these current farts.

If this continues I'm definitely going off propecia.


Senior Member
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Oh no dude, sorry to hear that.....that's a scary thing....I hope I never have to make the choice between hair and high pitched farts. Just be glad the old fart box is still working :wink:

Farts = Funny


Experienced Member
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Try the vitamin Beano.Will put those marrage ending farts to a standstill.


I feel for you, I would rather go completely bald than suffer a frequency shift in my trouser trumpet.

I suggest you try a simple 'Bum-EQâ„¢'

Try boosting the frequencies at around 1-8 khz by up to 2 or 3 dB for more squeak and also using a 'low pass filter' to attenuate the bass end.

Also perhaps the addition of a little multi-band compression would bring back some punch to the sound, but don't over do this or you could strip your fart of it's natural dynamic range.

If this does not yield results, I think it would be best to drop the propecia and look at a topical DHT inhibitor.

good luck
