Anyone Else Getting Harassing Emails About Finasteride Side Effects


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Ive been getting emails lately telling me that I am permanently screwed from finasteride, such as below, these are to my personal email account

''You sacrificed your dick and brain for hair. Destroyed the 5ar2 enzyme in your body. You will never go bald now. Penile nerve damage causes numbness''

All in a similar style to above, Anybody else getting these emails?

How pathetic, rather than getting up off your *** and trying to improve your situation, harass and brow beat people who dont go along with believing in irreversible side effects and believe that you can actually recover. This is a trend amongst some who get side effects and unfortunately some of the most vocal who run the pfs sites, if you dont join in with them and say no this can be reversed you're pounced on, f*****g shameful behaviour. That kind of talk has driven men to suicide.

Im no lover of finasteride, I was burned, and think docs that prescribe need to be briefing people a lot more than they did in my case anyway. I envy guys who do well on it, for guys who fall into the camp b as in sides not going away after a few months, hit the gym, eat healthy, read up on recoveries stories, check out swole source, there's a lot of help if you look for it in the right place and dont listen to the poison.

Rant over!

ahmed wolf

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damn man sorry to hear that it could be bobster?
any way there is nothing wrong with u u will be fine this numbness will go way like the guys that were on finasteride for a f*****g 10 years they recovered so will u if this drug cause permanent damge will it be in the market till now?
all the fuckers at and other sites are trying to push this theory to win a law suit against merk so they get a tons sh*t of money if they win so that's y they are sending this negativity we dont know if they are still damged?
any guy killd him self cuz of pfs his blood on these fuckeres
if u got an email again replay that ur going to have a penies transplant and mock the f****r by saying i have a 20 year old penies and no hair loss loool unlike u


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Jep, some weeks ago

'This drug is poison. And this forum is filled with lunatics. Merck pays people to pose as posters on this forum praising the drug.'

Balding curse

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I never expected to get on finasteride someday, I was thinking that finasteride is just cutting your nuts off, but after hair loss reached the death point I said f*** it why would I keep my dick when I will not be able to use it.


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damn man sorry to hear that it could be bobster?
any way there is nothing wrong with u u will be fine this numbness will go way like the guys that were on finasteride for a f*****g 10 years they recovered so will u if this drug cause permanent damge will it be in the market till now?
all the fuckers at and other sites are trying to push this theory to win a law suit against merk so they get a tons sh*t of money if they win so that's y they are sending this negativity we dont know if they are still damged?
any guy killd him self cuz of pfs his blood on these fuckeres
if u got an email again replay that ur going to have a penies transplant and mock the f****r by saying i have a 20 year old penies and no hair loss loool unlike u
Cheers for support Dude


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@ahmed wolf makes a great point. If people start recovering from Pfs then there's no case. I was actually gonna ask if bobster found your email lmao.
Yeah im not sure who it is man but could be, normally I wouldnt give a sh*t if it was to my inbox here but emails to personal one a bit disturbing and crossing a line. I just dont get the mindset that wants to believe you are permanently fucked and shut down any suggestion that you can recover, I just dont, if you are genuinely feeling sides you will get on a regime to get better and you will fight through to get your life back and if you open your eyes and mind there are loads of stories online of people recovering. I was sent a link with approx forty recovery stories by one guy a while back.

But these fanatical pfs guys are determined to say they are fucked and worse of all want to make others think the same, how fucked up is that. they see finasteride as something evil, its a drug, people take hardcore drugs all the time and their bodies eventually bounce back but sometimes their minds dont.

I think thats happened to some with finasteride side effects their minds dont recover from the trauma, and have no doubt it is a huge psychological trauma to be faced with life without sex and pleasing your woman, your basically not a man anymore so if that thought sets in your head some dont come back from that. The problem with the fanatics is they are not open to the fact that the mind plays a huge role in this thus making recovery unlikely.

Anyway im checking out of here for while. Will be back to post progress. Cheers guys.

ahmed wolf

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Yeah im not sure who it is man but could be, normally I wouldnt give a sh*t if it was to my inbox here but emails to personal one a bit disturbing and crossing a line. I just dont get the mindset that wants to believe you are permanently fucked and shut down any suggestion that you can recover, I just dont, if you are genuinely feeling sides you will get on a regime to get better and you will fight through to get your life back and if you open your eyes and mind there are loads of stories online of people recovering. I was sent a link with approx forty recovery stories by one guy a while back.

But these fanatical pfs guys are determined to say they are fucked and worse of all want to make others think the same, how fucked up is that. they see finasteride as something evil, its a drug, people take hardcore drugs all the time and their bodies eventually bounce back but sometimes their minds dont.

I think thats happened to some with finasteride side effects their minds dont recover from the trauma, and have no doubt it is a huge psychological trauma to be faced with life without sex and pleasing your woman, your basically not a man anymore so if that thought sets in your head some dont come back from that. The problem with the fanatics is they are not open to the fact that the mind plays a huge role in this thus making recovery unlikely.

Anyway im checking out of here for while. Will be back to post progress. Cheers guys.
i was having chat with a guy on fb he add me from the foundation page he took finasteride for 3 months 2 years ago he said he is fucked and duration of the drug has nothing to do with pfs I told him i took 3 pills he said u probably dont have pfs but if i do i am fucked and should w8 for the foundation for a cure lol funny thing all the studies posted by them didn't showed any thing rather than mental issues
the are hoping for the baylon study cuz the are going for a full genetic study on y guys get sides and i bet my money they won't find sh*t
stay away fron solvpfs its worst than u got guys there going on full loop of finding the sides and no one is saying how long they were on the drug really
i can't believe if they feel like sh*t or tge dicks died y wont they try medical options like peins implants or a vine operations that is successful and undetected? instead the cry all daylong do they work have social life have sex ? or they keep the fear spreading online?
my doctor told me this drug cause sides but u cant get sides from a couple of pills i cant help u if u believe ur fucked permanently from that cuz ur not but if u keep believing like tgat u will f*** ur self by ur self and thats what i did


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i was having chat with a guy on fb he add me from the foundation page he took finasteride for 3 months 2 years ago he said he is fucked and duration of the drug has nothing to do with pfs I told him i took 3 pills he said u probably dont have pfs but if i do i am fucked and should w8 for the foundation for a cure lol funny thing all the studies posted by them didn't showed any thing rather than mental issues
the are hoping for the baylon study cuz the are going for a full genetic study on y guys get sides and i bet my money they won't find sh*t
stay away fron solvpfs its worst than u got guys there going on full loop of finding the sides and no one is saying how long they were on the drug really
i can't believe if they feel like sh*t or tge dicks died y wont they try medical options like peins implants or a vine operations that is successful and undetected? instead the cry all daylong do they work have social life have sex ? or they keep the fear spreading online?
my doctor told me this drug cause sides but u cant get sides from a couple of pills i cant help u if u believe ur fucked permanently from that cuz ur not but if u keep believing like tgat u will f*** ur self by ur self and thats what i did

Cheers man and no I don't think I am permanently screwed, I know i will get better.

You mention The PFS foundation, they in my opinion are the biggest perpetrator of what I am talking about, they do not help at all, in fact they make things worse, they spend their time and money trying to prove that you are permanently screwed and then email you once a month telling you this, hey we found a new study that confirms you are permanently fucked. Like seriously as if guys who are suicidal and on the brink need to be hearing that sh*t, it's so fucked up.

Imagine a cancer foundation sending out a monthly email saying hey guys we found a new study that says you will never beat cancer and you will be dead in a year, no the opposite they give patients advice on how to heal etc.

I just don't get the PFS foundation and the more I think about it, it must be something to do with lawsuits as there are a large number of cases waiting to be heard in the states and guys from the foundation must be involved in some of them. The permanence stance strengthens the case.

Again they really need to take a hard look at themselves and understand the damage that kind of talk does to men who are vulnerable and believe there life is over. It's shameful in my opinion. Why not send out emails saying how you can better.

And finally, remember this, the study the PFS foundation funded and initiated found nothing only depression they don't like talking about that one, but it cannot be ignored as it was a comprehensive study by scientists who looked at a wide range of areas in the body and all they found was depression. This cannot be ignored.

I have a feeling baylor will find only psychological issues so we shall see.

ahmed wolf

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Cheers man and no I don't think I am permanently screwed, I know i will get better.

You mention The PFS foundation, they in my opinion are the biggest perpetrator of what I am talking about, they do not help at all, in fact they make things worse, they spend their time and money trying to prove that you are permanently screwed and then email you once a month telling you this, hey we found a new study that confirms you are permanently fucked. Like seriously as if guys who are suicidal and on the brink need to be hearing that sh*t, it's so fucked up.

Imagine a cancer foundation sending out a monthly email saying hey guys we found a new study that says you will never beat cancer and you will be dead in a year, no the opposite they give patients advice on how to heal etc.

I just don't get the PFS foundation and the more I think about it, it must be something to do with lawsuits as there are a large number of cases waiting to be heard in the states and guys from the foundation must be involved in some of them. The permanence stance strengthens the case.

Again they really need to take a hard look at themselves and understand the damage that kind of talk does to men who are vulnerable and believe there life is over. It's shameful in my opinion. Why not send out emails saying how you can better.

And finally, remember this, the study the PFS foundation funded and initiated found nothing only depression they don't like talking about that one, but it cannot be ignored as it was a comprehensive study by scientists who looked at a wide range of areas in the body and all they found was depression. This cannot be ignored.

I have a feeling baylor will find only psychological issues so we shall see.
yes they h8 that study and there is other study that showed ppl who took sugar pill reported sides after stopping is higher than ppl who took finasteride
if an idea thwt ur permeantly fucked stuck in ur head then thats what u will get
look at the cdnuts protocol there are guys on it that were on finasteride from 16 years ild and 19 reporting they are feeling better cuz the startvto believe they are better not cuz of the protocol cuz if u look at the modern medicine aspect or how finasteride works then u will know thats its not a safe drug for male teens so these guys have probably altered there male development for good buy yet they say they are feeling better
all the sites online are full of shir and fear and crazy ppl not except here and other hair loss fourms cuz u got guys speking with facts from medical studies and personal experience not some dude saying 1 pill made his peins shrink and age faster than normal or minoxidil cause a full male too female transgandes side effects