Anyone else have fatigue on finasteride?

Bone Daddy

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I've noticed a noticable loss of energy since I started, about a month ago. I don't think I've seen this side mentioned on the boards before?


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ive been on finasteride for about 50days now and ive no signs of fatigue


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I experienced fatigue too. But since I started Magnolia Extract and added "Stress Tabs + Zinc" along with my multi vitamin things have improved.

Bone Daddy

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Yeah Temples, I have been adding supposed "men's energy" supplements to mein intake, but it's only upped the energy a little bit. I get drowsy easy, and could easily sleep until 12 every morning. I have always been up at 9:30-10:00 and had plenty of juice. The only change to my lifestyle since the fatigue hit?




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I feel tired sommmmt4rhgp498yhpq9yt8ri;adhslkfj;kseur0894yutga (face hits key board) zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz............... :sleep:


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I've been on finasteride for a week and a day and I haven't felt tired, but when I wake up I still feel asleep. It seems like my brain wave pattern is slower at adjusting to the waking state. I'm just as alert during the day.

not me!

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I got moody, unfocused, and very lethargic on finasteride. Here I was the whole time thinking that I was golden because I didnt have any sexual side effects and was having great results. However it hit the moods and my energy levels like aton of bricks. My grades started slipping and, like brasileirao, I would LITERALLY fall asleep at my keyboard. Once I discontinued use I was pretty quickly back to normal. I will be starting Avodart to "experiment" in hopes that it will not cause the same or other side effect.


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social_drinker said:
I got moody, unfocused, and very lethargic on finasteride. Here I was the whole time thinking that I was golden because I didnt have any sexual side effects and was having great results. However it hit the moods and my energy levels like aton of bricks. My grades started slipping and, like brasileirao, I would LITERALLY fall asleep at my keyboard. Once I discontinued use I was pretty quickly back to normal. I will be starting Avodart to "experiment" in hopes that it will not cause the same or other side effect.

I had/have exaxtly the same problems !


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Just woke up. It's 3:30PM. I'll probably go to bed around midnight. How's that for ya?


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Deaner said:
Just woke up. It's 3:30PM. I'll probably go to bed around midnight. How's that for ya?

Did you swallow some HeadAndShoulders again ?


PS: Is that you in the avatar ?


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Deaner if my memory serves me correct, you would probably be starting college. And from one fellow student to another, that is a perfectly normal sleep patter, just kidding. I have not got them bad but occasionally I feel tired, but I try to go to sleep roughly the same time and get up at roughly the same time, seems to help. I guess I would say the same thing, try addding a multivitamin and workout that should help. Just a thought

Bone Daddy

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social_drinker said:
I got moody, unfocused, and very lethargic on finasteride. Here I was the whole time thinking that I was golden because I didnt have any sexual side effects and was having great results. However it hit the moods and my energy levels like aton of bricks. My grades started slipping and, like brasileirao, I would LITERALLY fall asleep at my keyboard. Once I discontinued use I was pretty quickly back to normal. I will be starting Avodart to "experiment" in hopes that it will not cause the same or other side effect.


This is what I was actually trieng to describe. (aside from the keyboard thing) Looks like this is much more possible than I once thought.


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I find that the more I sleep the more tired I am. The past month I have had to be at work around 6:30 am, that means waking up at 5:45am while still going to bed around midnight, sometimes later. I am now waking up around 7:30 am and still going to be at the same time, sometimes earlier, and I find myself like a zoooommmbie all day. I do work out daily and work isnt a walk in the park. I actually took today off from taking Propecia too see if I am as sensitive as So far no migraines or anything out of the ordinary. I havent missed a single day while on the stuff and I am pretty religous about taking it at the same time everyday. Well, off to bed, I mean back to work! :)



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Bone Daddy said:
I've noticed a noticable loss of energy since I started, about a month ago. I don't think I've seen this side mentioned on the boards before?
Pretty normal. Your body is going to be a little weaker and less "virile" during the first couple months on finasteride. You're depleting a hormone that has been there for awhile. The best thing to do during the first month or two on Propecia is to get a lot of rest, dont burn the candle at both ends, and take care of yourself. You'll be fine in a few weeks.


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HairlossTalk said:
Bone Daddy said:
I've noticed a noticable loss of energy since I started, about a month ago. I don't think I've seen this side mentioned on the boards before?
Pretty normal. Your body is going to be a little weaker and less "virile" during the first couple months on finasteride. You're depleting a hormone that has been there for awhile. The best thing to do during the first month or two on Propecia is to get a lot of rest, dont burn the candle at both ends, and take care of yourself. You'll be fine in a few weeks.

My experience exactly. I also experience a surge in testoserone in the initial week or so followed by this period described above. It eventually went away for good but it did hit me pretty hard in the beginning.

Free Bird

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I'm on my fourth day on finasteride. Just took 1.25mg on an empty stomach and I feel like I'm on speed or something! I hope fatigue doesn't set in during the coming weeks, because before I started the finasteride, I already felt quite fatigued on most days. I'm probably feeling close to what normal should be like today.

Bone Daddy

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Free Bird said:
I'm on my fourth day on finasteride. Just took 1.25mg on an empty stomach and I feel like I'm on speed or something! I hope fatigue doesn't set in during the coming weeks, because before I started the finasteride, I already felt quite fatigued on most days. I'm probably feeling close to what normal should be like today.

For me, and from the looks of this thread. Most people have more erm, "vigor" when they first start finasteride. (a burst of initial enrgy if you will) I know I sure as hell did. But as the weeks have passed, I'm on the slug-train. As stated vitamins help, but don't cure it by any means.

I'm also having the most random pains under my right armpit, near my teet area. :!:

Free Bird

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Bone Daddy said:
[quote="Free Bird":8b4bb]I'm on my fourth day on finasteride. Just took 1.25mg on an empty stomach and I feel like I'm on speed or something! I hope fatigue doesn't set in during the coming weeks, because before I started the finasteride, I already felt quite fatigued on most days. I'm probably feeling close to what normal should be like today.

For me, and from the looks of this thread. Most people have more erm, "vigor" when they first start finasteride. (a burst of initial enrgy if you will) I know I sure as hell did. But as the weeks have passed, I'm on the slug-train. As stated vitamins help, but don't cure it by any means.

I'm also having the most random pains under my right armpit, near my teet area. :!:[/quote:8b4bb]

Looks like any women that want to take me on this weekend had better watch out then! :lol:

And it also looks like the Cipla Fincar isn't a bunch of sugar pills. Less than a 100 dollars for a years supply ain't bad.

Bone Daddy

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I also use Fincar, where do you get yours from?

Mine are small, round, medium blue, and taste like powdered poo if left on the toungue too long.

(I've never tasted poo, powdered or otherwise.. I mean bitter?)