
Anyone else have itchy, waxy, super dandruffy scalp?


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I use minoxidil on my hairline, and it might be because I only wash my hair every 3 days, but where I use the minoxidil will be almost wet (even after the minoxidil dries for more than 4 hours), and it is really easy to scratch a ton of skin off it to the point where it fills my nails after a few scratches. I use Nizoral, and that makes it flake less, but every so often I scratch my scalp and then just scratch it A TON until all that saturated,waxy skin comes off. It's really satisfying, but after I brush the dandruff out of my hair, usually a lot of hair comes out with it. Like at least 20-30 strands. Some are long, but some are short and new growths from the minoxidil. Obviously this is not good if I'm trying to regrow my hair as it sets me back in density. Does anyone else get this kind of waxy scalp texture? If so, how do you deal with it and the urge to scratch it?


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well you should mybe try to wash ur scalp everyday....otherwise regaine stuff will sit on your scalp the next 2 days until you wash it and when you want to apply minoxidil again it blocks ur penetration


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Really? I'm pretty sure that could be bad for my hair. I would be open to washing it every other days, but I can't do every day. Do you wash your hair every day? And where are you getting the info about it not saturating?


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I have this problem too and I've been using Nizoral 2% once a week and Regenepure/Lipogaine once a week (no minoxidil). I use a natural shampoo in the off days but I can't seem to shake the flakes and that itchy, flaky, waxy ****, especially around the hairline. I'm started to suspect the Nizoral is actually just uber harsh for my scalp considering it doesn't really solve my dandruff problem at all. I've been shedding recently including after using Nizoral the other day and decided it might be the culprit to my scalp woes (mind you it did work decent for while last year). I just used Dove Zinc Pyrithione today and its only been a few hours but my head it itch free right now. I know people on here say ZP is bad for the hair but I'm not convinced.


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Cool, I will definitely look into that! Did you stop using Nizoral and replace it with the Dove?


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As of right now I think I'm gonna do that. It was weird too cuz the passed month I've been shedding mad hair especially on my pillow in the morning. But when I woke up today and yesterday there was barely any on the pillow. So this could be merely coincidence or have something to do with not using the nizoral (or using the Dove). I'm still planning on using Lipogaine Big 3 or Regenepure once a week spaced out with the Dove ZP. I'll let you know if I see an overall scalp improvement in the week.


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Ok, thanks!

hey, i mostly just lurk here from time to time. but, what you guys are describing is not dandruff; it's not actually your scalp that you are scratching off. The flakes are the propylene glycol in the minoxidil solution. after the solution dries on your head, a layer of the PG remains. consequently, this is also what makes your head itch and/or burn.

washing your hair everyday helps get rid of the PG on your scalp; washing can keep it from building up--but it won't stop it. as long as you are applying the solution, you will keep having it.