I use minoxidil on my hairline, and it might be because I only wash my hair every 3 days, but where I use the minoxidil will be almost wet (even after the minoxidil dries for more than 4 hours), and it is really easy to scratch a ton of skin off it to the point where it fills my nails after a few scratches. I use Nizoral, and that makes it flake less, but every so often I scratch my scalp and then just scratch it A TON until all that saturated,waxy skin comes off. It's really satisfying, but after I brush the dandruff out of my hair, usually a lot of hair comes out with it. Like at least 20-30 strands. Some are long, but some are short and new growths from the minoxidil. Obviously this is not good if I'm trying to regrow my hair as it sets me back in density. Does anyone else get this kind of waxy scalp texture? If so, how do you deal with it and the urge to scratch it?