anyone else notice this?


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When I am close to a mirror my hairloss does not appear to be too bad. However, when I am at the gym and I see my hair from a distance it looks awful. I buzzed my hair and now I can clearly see where my hair is going to go next. Just wondering if anyone else noticed this, hopefully this proscar will soon kick in and at least thicken my hair where it is thin that would make me happy. Although I do like the distance for some things as it makes one appear more cut.

So long Hair

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That lighting ain't just bad on hair. It shows up EVERY single blemish you can think of. From freckles to pimples to flaky skin to......Everything! Damn those fluorescent lights! Damn them all to hell!!


I have taken to going about the place with a full lighting crew of my own, a make up team and I have employed a special effects department to film my day and retouch the highlights.

so far so good.
