Well, I've been on minoxidil for about a year now, and have only seen more thinning. About a month ago I decided to add scalp massage twice a day, and a whole mess of supplements to see if there's anyway to quit shedding without having to take finasteride. I'll post some status updates in another month or so, but the very early results are looking promising! The back of my head seems to be filling in, but it is still too early to tell. I don't want to jump the gun if my eyes are just playing tricks on me.
For the record, the supplements I've started are:
-black tea extract (possible DHT reduction)
-gelatin (studies shown hair growth and increased diameter in men and women)
-nettle root extract (possible DHT reduction)
-beta sitosterol (possible DHT reduciton)
-Fo-Ti (eastern medicine supposedly promotes hair growth and color)
-Silica (alternative to biotin but doesn't cause acne)
1 Capsule of each everyday, except gelatin which is 1 tbsp dissolved in juice per day. I know this forum doesn't put much faith in natural treatments, but I'm gonna give it a go every single day for a solid 6 months and hope for the best.
I know every now and then someone puts allergy pills on their head or something like that.
I'm just curious if anyone is currently testing something or doing some trials.
If so, let me know.
You don't want to take finasteride but you take natural 5-alpha-reductase ? I have seen people having the same sexual sides on natural alternative to finasteride, even PFS.
Well, I'm gonna give it a shot. I'd prefer to spread out 5ar blockers between different supplements that might possibly have different mechanisms of action/ effects on the body. As opposed to putting my chips on one very powerful drug that only blocks one type of 5ar; and comes with a host of well known serious sides.
I may still wind up with the same side effects, or none of this may even work at all. But at least I can say I tried just about every natural supplement that's recommended or has any small shred of evidence. I did take saw palmetto for a while. But I had to stop because I was having terrible stomach pains. Just gonna keep fighting the good fight unk:
One idea would be to find a way to take finasteride and to counter it's side effects by supplementing what is missing. I think this may be possible, because they did it in mice. Never been tested in human to my knowledge tho. Interesting article here
Well, I've been on minoxidil for about a year now, and have only seen more thinning. About a month ago I decided to add scalp massage twice a day, and a whole mess of supplements to see if there's anyway to quit shedding without having to take finasteride. I'll post some status updates in another month or so, but the very early results are looking promising! The back of my head seems to be filling in, but it is still too early to tell. I don't want to jump the gun if my eyes are just playing tricks on me.
For the record, the supplements I've started are:
-black tea extract (possible DHT reduction)
-gelatin (studies shown hair growth and increased diameter in men and women)
-nettle root extract (possible DHT reduction)
-beta sitosterol (possible DHT reduciton)
-Fo-Ti (eastern medicine supposedly promotes hair growth and color)
-Silica (alternative to biotin but doesn't cause acne)
1 Capsule of each everyday, except gelatin which is 1 tbsp dissolved in juice per day. I know this forum doesn't put much faith in natural treatments, but I'm gonna give it a go every single day for a solid 6 months and hope for the best.
Sounds good. I think you've been scouring the web looking for stuff as hard as I have. I think Ray Peat and Danny Roddy are big pushers of gelatin mixed with juice. Thanks for the in depth response by the way.
I have tried saw palmetto both internal and topical to no joy. I did however find that topical saw palmetto mixed with aloe gel cured my dandruff fast.
I'm currently on the big 3, but also taurine and magnesium. I heard taurine can help with inflammation in the body. I just like taking magnesium for the heck of it.
any particular method for scalp massage? What do you think is helping you out the most?