Anyone had Hair Transplant without Finasteride or Minoxidil?


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So, I'm going to be talking with a neo-graft hair transplant specialist in a few weeks. I currently do not take finasteride or minoxidil. I think I want to go the route of getting a hair transplant without using finasteride or minoxidil.

The reasons for that are:
1. I already have eczema (which finasteride has been reported for causing or worsening)
2. The continuous cost of both drugs is very high
3. The other 'unlikely' side effects
4. The likelihood that I will not be able to use them as frequently as needed.

I would really like to hear a first-hand experience from someone that went this route (hair transplant with no drugs). If anyone could share their experience with this, I would appreciate it.




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Finasteride really isn't that expensive. You could just use generic Proscar split into 4 parts. Also never heard about eczema as a said effect. But anyway, unless your male pattern baldness is progressing at a snail's pace, you need to be on some sort of maintenance drug. minoxidil isn't necessary.


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Agree it's really advisable to be on finasteride and having stabilized your hair loss before undergoing a hair transplant. It can be done without finasteride too obviously but more often than not it's not a good idea. You sure about the neo-graft by the way? What clinic/surgeon are you going to visit if I may ask?