Anyone Had Initial Irritation Using Tricomin?


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I have had irritation when using Tricomin (just started about a week and a half ago). Not excessive, but enough where it sometimes makes the place where I sprayed it (hairline) itch and sometimes even other areas of my head to sort of tingle. Has anyone had initial irritation with Tricomin and then after awhile it went away and you had good results? Could this be a case of my scalp having to get used to the Tricomin? Or should I drop it since the days I didn't use Tricomin I had no irritation or itching really and my scalp felt good. I want to continue to use Tricomin because I hear all the wonderful things people say about copper peptides but this irritation is bothering me and I thought Tricomin is actually supposed to help and reduce irritation not increase it.


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Had the same problems!!! Stopped it and it went away....anyone???


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the stinging sensation is the tricomin or folligen repairing the unhealthy skin on your scalp. Sort of like putting medication on an open wound. This will eventually go away when the scalp gets into better condition. Most experience this with folligen and their makers state that if this is to severe, that you can dilute it with water until it starts to feel better.


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Im back on it and my scalp now feels great!


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ShedMaster said:
the stinging sensation is the tricomin or folligen repairing the unhealthy skin on your scalp. Sort of like putting medication on an open wound. This will eventually go away when the scalp gets into better condition. Most experience this with folligen and their makers state that if this is to severe, that you can dilute it with water until it starts to feel better.

This is by far the best description I have read on this. :notworthy

The same thing happened to me and I am glad I am still using it becuase I can not handle minoxidil without it. Folligen was almost painful for me for 2 weeks until I watered it down.


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whats up cassin? I havent been in the chat room in a long time. Still have the sunday night chat?


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Could this stinging sensation also causing itching? If so, then just wait it out and then eventually the itching will disappear?


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Just a little update:
I used Tricomin for a week on my hairline and there was some feeling of itching maybe from the tingling sensation but what was weird was it seemed to make other parts of my head more itchy or irritated (not unbearably) than my front. I've been off Tricomin for a week now and I really don't have that irritation or itchy feeling that I had when I was using Tricomin, but my hairline doesn't look as thick anymore. And also, since I've been off Tricomin more hair seems to come out when I shampoo, but that could all be coincidental. So I'm wondering if I needed to allow an adjustment period with Tricomin and I'm wondering if I'm really better off without Tricomin. And can anyone confirm if there is something in Tricomin that makes your hair look thicker?

Kevin fretwell

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Tricomin has some anti dht properties all be it not potent but if your hair has been damaged from dht the added copper peptide will inspire shed of that hair and in its place you will have a healthier hair soon .I've had great succes using dutasteride topical for much less shed by the way .The finasteride does the job but dutasteride topical along side stops shedding ten fold .Thats just my opinion from experience .