Anyone had success with laser hair removal?


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Anyone have permanent results with laser hair removal (or with electrolysis, with Propecia reducing body hair) etc...

If so, can you describe exactly what laser was used?


Established Member
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i dont think finasteride/dutasteride reduces body hair. maybe makes it grow a bit slower but that's about it.

the laser you should use depends on your skin type. you'll get better, faster results with the proper laser. also make sure the clinic starts the lasers power level off at a decent strength. a lot of places will use mild settings the first few visits... while it's not as painful and does remove some hair you can remove a lot more at a stronger level saving you the money of extra visits.


Senior Member
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and if your hair was a bit light to begin with, a mild setting won't kill it. It will just turn it white. Then no laser can touch it. Better to use the highest strength you can handle the first time. I got ripped off because I did not ask before hand what the strength was, and they did not tell me. I get angry thinking about those b****s, so I'll try to think of something else. $417.


My Regimen
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Yes, many people have achieved permanent results with laser hair removal. Common lasers used include the Alexandrite, Diode, and Nd

lasers. For targeted areas, such as the bikini line, a laser treatment Brazilian can be particularly effective. Each laser has different advantages depending on skin and hair type.