Anyone have a recent transplant with Dr. Dorin?


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I am just about ready to take the plunge and get a transplant. I have met with both Dr. Feller and Dorin and right now I am leaning towards going with Dr. Dorin. Please don't tell me that Dr. Feller is better etc..., thats not what this is about. I would like to hear from people who have had work done by Dr. Dorin. Thank you in advance. Oh and I would also like to add, Dr. Dorin would be a strip procedure for 1200-1300 grafts in the hairline.


Dr. Dorin is a good Doctor and straight forward. There is no bad or negative information that I am aware of about him, and I have seen some very nice before and afters of his posted elsewhere. He does not use the internet as much, but he still does nice work.

If you have researched your options and narrowed it down to Dr. Dorin, then you should be comfortable with your choice-----BUT, if you are not confident, then wait and do more research--- it really is the best way----Oh, and why not FUE for 1200 grafts?

Take Care,


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I agree dont get a strip for such a small amount of grafts.


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I was told that strip was a better option than FUE. I have an approx. donor area of 4000 grafts. Any reason why you think strip is not a good idea for 1200-1300 grafts?


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These days strip is only used mainly for bigger sessions 2000+. This justifies the risk of the scar. It is easy to get 1200 FUE in 1 day and not have to be concerned about the scar. Also FUE is a much less traumatic option in terms of actual physical damage ie: pain and healing is much quicker and easier. The only drawback with FUE is being more time consuming it is more expensive. With FUE you will always have the option of shaving your head in the future.