Anyone heard/been to Dr. Diaz?


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I have been researching for the past few months and have recently been for a consultation at a UK clinic. The day was very professional and informative lasting well over 2 hours. My typical folicle density was measured and it was concluded I would be getting 35 folicular units per cm2.

My main question posted to you all is if anyone has heard of Dr. Diaz or had a procedure performed by him? I was told he is an experienced dermatologist which enables him to perform FUT with very minimal scarring. He is both I.S.H.R.S and I.S.H.R.T registered.

I know someone with similar hair loss to myself, who went to this clinic and has had very positive results.

The clinic itself is Care Quality Commission registered.

BTW I am considering FUT (1500 grafts based on this initial consultation, which would take 5 hours).