Anyone here cut Proscar pills?


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Hi. I'm new. I just got my first three months worth of Propecia. I hope it goes well for me. However, it does cost quite a bit, doesn't it! Cripes hey. I read how some people will order Proscar instead and cut the pills into 5ths (or 4ths). So, how does that go for people? I've never cut pills, and i'm trying to imagine them not crumbling and where you keep them after they are cut. I think i'd like to see if i can get a prescription for Proscar next time i order, but i'm not sure about this pill cutting business. Is it alright?

Also, they seem to have jacked up the price of Propecia just because it's for hairloss, while Proscar is the same thing.... yet so much cheaper per mg. Do they not realize that they could sell SO much more Propecia if it were actually affordable to most people? All the Procerin and other method users would just get Propecia if they could afford it. That's what i think. I bought Procerin because of the price, and figured i'd give it a try. Propecia is killing my wallet, and i don't know how long i can stay on it. I'm sure there are alot of people in the same boat, so why don't they just lower the damn price and make just as much money selling to MORE people, and for a longer time?


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I use Proscar and been using it for about a month, its alot cheaper and it aint really hard.

What i do is put the small proscar pill in a plastic frezzer bag then, tighten up the bag so that its in the corner of the bag tightly get a sharp knife and cut it into fifths. This stops the pill flying away plus it keeps it from crumbling as much.

Is your propecia really tiny cause when i cut the proscar its seems like its hardly worth taking cause its so small.

I keep my cut fifths in a plastic freezer bag, but would be interested in what everyone else did??


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Yeah, the Propecia pills are very tiny! The smallest pills i've ever seen. I was surprised at first. I guess that does not sound too hard. I also wonder what others do. Hopefully more post about it.

Pirate Commander F.B.

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Cutting Proscar isn't that hard really. Just make sure to use a sharp knife (scalpel) otherwise it will crumble.


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If you're trying to construct a budget regimen, look into fincar. It's the generic form of proscar and less costly.

Disclaimer: It's not FDA approved.

Green Soap

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I'm paying $5.00 a month for Fincar through


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Teetering on the edge said:
I'm paying $5.00 a month for Fincar through

is it working though?? is it ur first time using finestride or contnuing from Propecia or Proscar?? u feel any difference? any side effects?