Anyone Here Have Weight Gain While Taking Finasteride?


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I sure have. I've gained a good 10 lbs. since starting. My appetite is off the charts. For a while I thought I was developing gyno, but I think I'm just becoming a fat ***. After a few days the breast swelling/tenderness went away.

I've been meaning to start exercising on my trampoline, but the finasteride is also making me incredibly lethargic. I f*****g sleep 10-12 hrs. and then I'm still tired when I wake up. I barely have the energy to spank it anymore.


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lol, you sound like me with the lethargy, but when it comes to weight gain, all I can say is "I wish". It definitely made my chest slightly fattier, it was really toned before starting finasteride, and then it turned to mush in no time, but whatever, no gyno thankfully. All it's done is made me very lethargic, and given me a pretty much 24/7 appetite, but I can eat all I want and still not gain.


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Deaner said:
All it's done is made me very lethargic, and given me a pretty much 24/7 appetite, but I can eat all I want and still not gain.

I hate you.


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When I first started finasteride, my appetite shot up and i ate a lot more and then it slowly leveled off. I have prolly gained 5 or 6 lbs since starting and my chest is definately fattier. So I guess it has made me put on a few pounds.


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Thanks, worried. Anyone else here gaining weight?


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I'm on my fourth week of using Propecia and have put on an extra five pounds. Haven't noticed any chest softness but I lift weights regularly, have always kept a really ripped chest. All my gains have been belly weight.

Don't know if I can attribute this to the Propecia or overeating from being a little depressed about the hairloss. Funny this topic was brought up because I was beginning to question when I noticed the jump on the scale.


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I have gained 3-4 kilos on my upper body since starting. Primarily on the chest.

BUT there is no way of telling how much I would have weighted without the finasteride. I mean ever since my 18th year I have gained a few kilos along the way due to aging and less exercise. So I'm not sure we can blame it all on finasteride - it would be easy, though.