Anyone know Finpecia???


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I needed to order some more propecia so I ordered some off this website that i found. or something like that.

The delivery came today and instead of propecia, its called finpecia and the pills are white instead of the usual orange colour... hmmm...

This worries me a bit that i'm taking the right thing. It does claim on the box that they are finasteride but for the price i got them i'm not convinced.

Can anyone give me advice on this? Does anyone here take them? and are they different to the standard propecia we all know and love...?


Senior Member
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That's odd that is selling Finpecia.

Did they ask you for a faxed in prescription first?


Senior Member
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0 does not sell finpecia (as far as I know). The only way you can get any perscription drug from them is by mailing a Perscription. I use them for my Propecia Script and have only received genuine Propecia.

They do use another company for Int'l orders so maybe there is some confusion there.



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sorry its

got it wrong!

Anyway... can someone help me with my original question? bit concerned!


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It seems I have the right stuff but propecia works so well for me that i'm scared of change!

You are brave ordering it for yrself... you could have had mine! :)

Is there anyone on here whos actually switched to Finpecia?


Cajun Wannabe said:
From reading this board the last few hours, it sounds like you have a decent if not quality product. At least I hope so, because I just ordered some of the same thing myself.

In what way is finpecia 'not quality' ?

Do you have information to show it is not as effective as propecia ?

Where have you this information from ?




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I'm not saying its not effective at all. Its just before yesterday i'd never heard of finpecia!

And as i said before, propecia is doing so much for me recently that if i am to switch to finpecia I need security from one of you guys that it is as good.

Free Bird

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tynanW said:
Cajun Wannabe said:
From reading this board the last few hours, it sounds like you have a decent if not quality product. At least I hope so, because I just ordered some of the same thing myself.

In what way is finpecia 'not quality' ?

Do you have information to show it is not as effective as propecia ?

Where have you this information from ?

Sorry for the confusion. English is my first language, but it looks like I could have used a better choice of words. What I was trying to say, is it looks like Finpecia is a decent product, and that it very well may be a quality one as well. I guess that's what I get for posting after reading this board for hours on end yesterday. My eyes were quite glazed over. lol

There are those here who think it isn't well advised to buy products manufactured in other countries or from offshore websites. I haven't seen any criticism of Cipla that wasn't pretty much pure conjecture, though. That is why I placed an order.

Free Bird

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Kansta said:

I'm not saying its not effective at all. Its just before yesterday i'd never heard of finpecia!

And as i said before, propecia is doing so much for me recently that if i am to switch to finpecia I need security from one of you guys that it is as good.

Take your pills and quit worrying! All that extra worrying is just going to make your hair fall out even more. *wink*

Seriously, these forums have a search feature that works wonders. Try it, you might like it..... :D


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dont worry

dont worry at all.
its effectiveness is same as propecia.
both of them has finasteride 1 mg.
there is a lot of people who use it and their result have not any difference with time they use propecia.
becouse its make in india its price is cheaper than propecia.
good luck


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tynanW said:
Cajun Wannabe said:
From reading this board the last few hours, it sounds like you have a decent if not quality product. At least I hope so, because I just ordered some of the same thing myself.

In what way is finpecia 'not quality' ?

Do you have information to show it is not as effective as propecia ?

Where have you this information from ?



Well do u have credible information that its the same and effective as propecia?

not me!

Experienced Member
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Actually, Ty I posted quite a bit of information a few weeks ago that should make anyone think twice about buying these medications. In fact, there was an entire thread devoted to it. I will post it if I can find it.

End all be all, take what you want, but with the all of the news that I have seen on bogus medications coming into the stattes, I would rather pay a tiny bit more for real Proscar. If I am starting to sound like a broken record in warning people about this (more than likely) crap, it is for good reason.

*many foriegn-made prescription medications contain little to NONE of the advertised active ingredient - FACT

*many contain UNSAFE levles of heavy metals - FACT.

Free Bird

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Warrior101 said:
tynanW said:
Cajun Wannabe said:
From reading this board the last few hours, it sounds like you have a decent if not quality product. At least I hope so, because I just ordered some of the same thing myself.

In what way is finpecia 'not quality' ?

Do you have information to show it is not as effective as propecia ?

Where have you this information from ?



Well do u have credible information that its the same and effective as propecia?

As far as I know, there have been no laboratory tests or formal studies proving that Finpecia is equal to Propecia. There does seem to be plenty of anecdotal evidence right here on this forum, that Finpecia works well. For the price - 90 dollars for a years supply (of Fincar) - I'm willing to give it a try. At least until I see where someone needed to switch from Finpecia to Propecia to obtain the desired results, or due to health concerns.


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Right, until i know exactly what this stuff is, i'm not taking it... its all too risky...

Free Bird

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Kansta said:
Right, until i know exactly what this stuff is, i'm not taking it... its all too risky...

I read the threads that social_drinker posted before ordering Fincar. Everyone needs to do what they feel is right for them. If you are uncomfortable with products made by Cipla in India, by all means buy the name brand stuff. That way you can't go wrong. I do see where the owners of this forum have a link to where people can purchase Finpecia: ... ucts_id=58

Do your homework. Don't take any one person's word on anything. Google up some pages about Cipla. Study it out and do what works for you. All the best....