Anyone Know How Long It Can Take To Recover From finasteride?


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I've been off it for 6 and a half months. Libido is fine and I can get erections but I struggle to maintain them and they're weaker than before. There have been a few instances in this time period where I could get full erections, so that was weird.


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Have you tried v**** or Cilias? I get erectile dysfunction on Cypro but I pop one of those bad boys and I last longer than my GF lol.


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Have you tried v**** or Cilias? I get erectile dysfunction on Cypro but I pop one of those bad boys and I last longer than my GF lol.

No not yet. I know those would probably work I was just wondering fi it is possible to recover without any meds.


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I've been off it for 6 and a half months. Libido is fine and I can get erections but I struggle to maintain them and they're weaker than before. There have been a few instances in this time period where I could get full erections, so that was weird.

I never used finasteride, but I can say I had sexual sides from saw palmetto very much like finasteride. It took me like 6 months or more to get back to normal.


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I never used finasteride, but I can say I had sexual sides from saw palmetto very much like finasteride. It took me like 6 months or more to get back to normal.

Yeah it will probably take some more time. I hope it returns back to the way before finasteride.


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Finasteride only binds to 5ar for like 5 days or something, if you are still experiencing sides after 6 months then something else must be going on.


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Finasteride only binds to 5ar for like 5 days or something, if you are still experiencing sides after 6 months then something else must be going on.

Might be partly psychological. Like I've had a 'full' erection maybe once or twice after coming off finasteride so I know I still have the capability. Just that normally it's weak like it's not as big girth wise or firm if that makes sense. I know that was a lot of detail lol but I don't know how else to explain it


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Might be partly psychological. Like I've had a 'full' erection maybe once or twice after coming off finasteride so I know I still have the capability. Just that normally it's weak like it's not as big girth wise or firm if that makes sense. I know that was a lot of detail lol but I don't know how else to explain it

Have you tried l-citrulline? nitric oxide booster and helps with erections.


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This is no way to diminish your experience and I've never used finasteride but after always having a high libido I went through a very stressful experience a few years back (not hair or medicine related) where my sexual desire went to nil. For months. I saw a counsellor for a while and it eventually got better on its own. Like I say this is in no way to diminish your experience, just don't underestimate the power your psychology has over your bodily functions.


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Have you tried l-citrulline? nitric oxide booster and helps with erections.

I've not used anything, just hoping it'll get better on it's own for now.

This is no way to diminish your experience and I've never used finasteride but after always having a high libido I went through a very stressful experience a few years back (not hair or medicine related) where my sexual desire went to nil. For months. I saw a counsellor for a while and it eventually got better on its own. Like I say this is in no way to diminish your experience, just don't underestimate the power your psychology has over your bodily functions.

I accept it could also be that. I do suffer from depression which has gotten worse recently. I've been on a number of antidperessants that also affected my libido. Now I'm on mirtazapine which has had no sexual side effects so far.

I should also note that my libido is more or less normal now.


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Detox from sex and masturbation for like a month and all your problems will disappear.


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Detox from sex and masturbation for like a month and all your problems will disappear.

Only thing is that none of this stuff happened before taking the finasteride. It's not normal to go soft immediately after ejaculating.


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Only thing is that none of this stuff happened before taking the finasteride. It's not normal to go soft immediately after ejaculating.

I know how you're feeling bro .
I had this issues for long long time because I had performence anxiety and every time I compered my erection to my past erections and when I had sex Im also struggeled with ED cuz I dont focus in the girl and in the sex but I focus in how my erection going.
and it also the fact that I will never took finastride because I know it will throw me back to those black days even if physically it wont do me nothing.
I think that your problem it more mental and I will give you a way to check it.
drink alchol until you can say you are drunk and then try to fap/f***.
if your problem is psychological then you will able to maintain a good erection.
And in the worst case and it dont working either, so just pop a v**** and not only you'll be able to maintain a strong erection, you'll could stay how much time you want and f*** like a pornstar !
life is short dont stuck on bullshit.
good luck bro
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I've not used anything, just hoping it'll get better on it's own for now.

I accept it could also be that. I do suffer from depression which has gotten worse recently. I've been on a number of antidperessants that also affected my libido. Now I'm on mirtazapine which has had no sexual side effects so far.

I should also note that my libido is more or less normal now.

I’ve been off finasteride for 7 weeks and I still have sides. My libido is kinda coming back slowly but I still have ED and weird shrinkage/thinning of the penis and any erection I get quickly fades. I was wondering if you got morning wood at all since you quit. I haven’t (yet). My hair is also getting way BETTER even tho I was on only 20 days and off for nearly 2 months now....terrifying.

g.i joey

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what did you use? does it help u also last longer?
thanks man

Cialis makes you super man in bed no joke. I’ve tried t twice and that sh*t brings my refractory period to literally 5 minutes, last wayyyyyyy longer too.

I wouldn’t depend on it and use it only when you know you’ll be having a night full of sex

Op could be suffering from performance anxiety due to the fact that he’s performed well in bed while off the drug


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try cabergoline for 8 should help...and if not..

i mean its suspected finasterid can cause scarring of the tissue down if youre unlucky it will stay this way forever


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I’ve been off finasteride for 7 weeks and I still have sides. My libido is kinda coming back slowly but I still have ED and weird shrinkage/thinning of the penis and any erection I get quickly fades. I was wondering if you got morning wood at all since you quit. I haven’t (yet). My hair is also getting way BETTER even tho I was on only 20 days and off for nearly 2 months now....terrifying.

No morning wood, should also add I've been on and off various antidepressants.

try cabergoline for 8 should help...and if not..

i mean its suspected finasterid can cause scarring of the tissue down if youre unlucky it will stay this way forever

The weird thing is that I have achieved a full erection a few times during the 7 months I've been off. I guess that indicates it's still functional. I'm not sure how much of it is psychological.


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No morning wood, should also add I've been on and off various antidepressants.

The weird thing is that I have achieved a full erection a few times during the 7 months I've been off. I guess that indicates it's still functional. I'm not sure how much of it is psychological.

finasteride changes neurosteroids..its suspected it also affects the receptors in the brain...ssri can cause similar long lasting side effects regarding errections..

try cabergoline...there are some threads about it here on this helped the far majority