Anyone Know Much About "Lateral Humps"?


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So I've been going through more hell with my hair loss lately. This time it's pretty scary considering I always thought I had strong sides that would one day make me an easier candidate for either a transplant or a hair system. I recently began noticing thinning in a certain area when coming out of the shower on each side of my head. The area appears to be the "Lateral humps" as they are called. Basically it's an area around the temples above the sides that I have noticed appears thin for many guys when they have their hair systems off, but sometimes they can be lost completely and can leave you with one of those horrific Larry David style horseshoes as opposed to just a basic horseshoe. I've read and have been told by a Doctor that sometimes they go completely and other times they just thin out. It does seem like these are the areas that would be lost much later in life though. Meanwhile I am only 36 years old. It should also be noted that just recently I also started dermarolling in a last ditch effort to try and strengthen my hair, and it has caused some serious shedding at the crown but I haven't done too much in this area, but I have a little. Below are pics of the hair dried and highlighted are the parts i'm talking about. Any thoughts??


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