Anyone notice big difference b/t Nizoral 1% and 2%??

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I have been using Nizoral 1% for about 3 months, and was wondering if I should step it up to the 2%? Has anyonelse tried both and noticed a difference? The problem is that if I want to step it up to the 2% I am going to have to get a script from somewhere. Im currently on the big 3, and actually just started finasteride 1.25mg 2 weeks ago. I have been on minoxidil for almost a year, but still shedding so that is why I stepped it up recently. I am a NW2 right now I guess, but have diffuse thinning at front and top. I am going to put up some pics this week and repost pics every 3 months. Oh and 29yo. Best to all.


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2 years ago I tweaked my regimen, cutting back on finasteride to 3-4 x per week, and dropping 2% nizoral for 1%. My hair suffered and I went from a 4a to a 5a.

Last march I cranked my regimen back up (including 2% nizoral - Dr. Lee's) and don't hold me to this - but I think my bald spot's starting to fill back in.

Anyway, I'd recommend the 2% nizoral 2 - 3 x weekly over the 1%.


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I don't know if hair growth is different but since changing to 2% scalp and anywhere nizoral gets (forehead) is
very dry. I also have a ton of vellus hairs in the frontal/forehead/eyebrow regions. Not sure if it's
minoxidil or nizoral doing that but it started being noticeable after a couple of weeks on 2%.

Follically Challenged

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I noticed a big difference in the dryness of my hair when I went from Lee's 2% or nizoral 1%. I was probably using Lee's too frequently.

Now I use only Revita (only 1% ketoconazole) but since I use it almost everyday, I'm glad it is just 1%.


Established Member
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Hmm... I've been using 1% for a long time and the condition of my hair is fine with it. I switched to 2% a few months ago and my hair condition suffered badly (looked very "shocked") so i switched back 1 %.....should I just suck it up and go back to 2%? I used them each 3 times a week (Mon/Wed/Fri). Thanks.