Anyone notice that a huge number of hockey players are bald?


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Me and a whole bunch of buddies were watching a game tonight, and someone was suprised Keith Tkachuk was balding. Then the conversation got to how most nhl'ers are bald or losing it. Anyone else ever notice this? Considering the age of some of these guys (lots are 23-26 and some pretty bald) Ever wonder why the disproportion? With the exception of some guys like Mario etc, lots have hairloss issues.

Could be maybe the large number of Europeans playing in the NHL? (I remember some large scale weird subway based study showed Eastern europeans had the highest levels of male pattern baldness, but europeans in general had high levels,with asians the lowest)

Or maybe high levels of oxidation? Any corellation at all to oxidation and male pattern baldness? This is something i always wondered. I mean oxidation seems to have negative implications to everything else, why not hairloss?

Man i remember watching an Under 18 Junior game on TV, and one kid after the game was talking, he was 17 and a NW3-4.


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I never noticed this at all. If more than half the guys on every team are bald you may have something but until then-


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Well before I noticed my own hair loss I really didn't pay too much attention to other people. I just figured only old people lose hair.

Now It's like every 2nd person I see is bald. Even people in their 20s who have basically a full head of hair - I see them receding at the temples where two months ago I wouldn't have taken a second look.

The brutal thing about this is you never know how far it will progress. If I knew I'd just have a little temporal recession I'd accept it and call it a day. But my Dad is a norwood 6 and that has put the fear of god in me 8O

The Gardener

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I've definitely noticed that it seems lots of hockey players are balding. And speaking of hockey, GO KINGS. Lucky Luc's got a full head!


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It must me something in the water oot there in canada eh?


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Hm, I have played hockey my whole damn life. I don't think hockey players are balding more than any other athletes. However, if you indeed are a balding hockey player (like me) it doesn't help that you have a helmet on your head rubbing against your thin spot 2-4 hours/day. In addition I don't think it's good for the scalp to be "contained' for that many hours a day (I know that it's not good for your scalp to wear a hat too often).

However, I believe that you notice balding more when you watch hockey since it's still such a predominant "white" sport. Generally "weâ€￾ try to hang on to what we have as long as possible, thus sporting a nice little bald spot. There are not many shaved Latinos or afro-Americans to even out the field, as in basketball or football.

Anyway, just a thought!----GO RED WINGS


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I watch a ton of Hockey and haven't really noticed this being more common vs other sports.

Still mad the Stars let Darien go............. :evil:

But he got his due for defecting to the enemy. :twisted: