Anyone on here had any good work done by one of the usual suspects in London?


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As the title suggests. I never see reviews about people who have work in London.

I've phoned a few for appointments, and seen a couple but you wouldn't believe the consults, and or some of the calls I've had. Several of the so called well known ones have people controlling their emails and calls, and you can't get to talk to them. But some of the people I've had to go through are astoundingly unhelpful or just clueless. Very disappointed in the lacklustre non caring way they operate their business. They big themselves up on their sites as the greatest thing since sliced bread.

You'd think it would be a simple thing to answer an emailed question to these people.
But ... no! Useless generally. I'm sure some of these people have no clue what they've employed.

I'd love to list the spectacularly stupid on here, but no doubt I am not allowed.

One clinic told me I can't talk to the surgeon, but she is qualified and knows all about his business and that anything I wanted answers for, she can help me with. When my opening question was about 'shock loss', her reply was she'd never heard of it. End of call. Harley St at it's finest... but refused to let me speak to him about it. Anything I needed to know, she said she knew it all.

Anyone, please?


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Looks good Stephen, well done. That's one of the clinics who ignored emails from me, on more than one occasion when I wanted information. My loss is diffuse, so many refuse to touch me. Are you still having to take meds