Anyone on this forum seen a Psychiatrist regarding hairloss?


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Or has the idea crossed your mind? Not sure how helpful they would be since I have never been to one before.


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I've not, but someone on Men's Health forum once mentioned a book called "Psycho-cybernetics" by Maxwell Maltz to a guy who was seeing someone for BDD (or a similar condition). It's written by a plastic surgeon who found that people were still unhappy with thier appearance after they had thier "work" done, even though they believed they would be. I was more curious about the book than having any problem so I've got a copy but not read all of it yet, (and it might just be full of pop-psychology babble), but could be worth a look...(or maybe not)

Hans Gruber

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its ALWAYS worth seeing a psychiatrist ,i haven't but i know people that have and they are much better now,if you have a problem ,no matter what it is in life you should always seek help,thats what these people are there for :)

Easynow,i recognise that BDD is real and that yes some people often still aren't happy after their procedures but ive often wondered about hair and a hair transplant and how its almost a separate matter.I personally think that many people after getting a hair transplant will truly be satisfied (providing its a good one) and won't shift the emphasis onto another physical flaw.


I have seen a psychiatrist, but it didn't help me too much. There's not much they can do regarding a hairloss issue, so they only dug deeper and I ended up telling them my life story etc.


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No but my i'm booked in next week. Oh joy - I imagine the session will go like this- 'So why do you think your here' - Well i'm going bald very fast and I hate it so much, can you cure hairloss - 'no' - ok then bye.


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There's nothing at all wrong with seeing a psychologist or psychiatrist if you have a problem or issues you need to sort out. 85% of the world's population could use "shrink" therapy of some sort.

I have seen many psychiatrists. It was a court order that I see one for anger management and severe drug addictions (to keep myself from going to jail), but after that I chose to keep seeing them. Cost a fortune, but you cannot put a price on that sort of therapy if you can change your life or your views on life as a result of this. You gotta ask yourself what you expect to gain from the therapy. A lot of people go to see specialists with unrealistic demands and end up disappointed... or they don't go for long enough... You cannot expect results in the first few visits.

I was extremely skeptical and negative on my first few visits - the first one I saw would get me so fired up, I would be ready to fly across the room and smack his head in. He would do this on purpose, and I noticed after a few weeks that it would feel really good leaving the place.... Suddenly I was bringing up things and discussing things I had bottled up for years. Things I would never tell any other soul.

Anyway, there's nothing wrong with it. Many people laugh when the whole "shrink" conversation comes up, but hey... had I not undergone therapy and believed in myself, I would be in jail or dead right now...


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i wanna go see one myself.


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I've been to two psychiatrists, been on treatments for 1 1/2 year and no improvements. For some it helps, for others no.


Nathaniel said:
I've been to two psychiatrists, been on treatments for 1 1/2 year and no improvements. For some it helps, for others no.

So you haven't got any gains from the treatments either?


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Dude, I've been on at least 3 different anti-depressants (each haven't done squat). Been prescribed two different anti-psychotics (low dosages) for some compulsive disorders I have, all of this taken for enough time to see results but still, I see no improvement.

The only medication that has worked for me *somewhat* are anti-anxiety drugs like benzos, but thats about it. I already tapered off the drugs (except the anti-anxiety) and I'm going to see a third psychiatrist in a few weeks.

Also, therapy, like when they talk to you and stuff hasn't done sh*t either. Some people really do not see results with therapy but I'm willing to continue to try because I'm hopeless.


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GrowHairGrow! said:
Nathaniel said:
I've been to two psychiatrists, been on treatments for 1 1/2 year and no improvements. For some it helps, for others no.

So you haven't got any gains from the treatments either?

If you are referring to hairloss treatments I have had decent success, probably halted it, but I still not feel satisfied.


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How about Cognitive Behavioural Therapy? If you commit to this for X amount of time (say once a week for 6 months) I am sure most will be able to handle things better.


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I've tried changing the way I think and have received a fair amount of feed back and psychological therapy from doctors but my head is as hard as a rock. I still can't get over this. I will keep trying though, if not age for sure will have to set me up anyway.


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Psychiatrists use tools to change you perspective on how you look at things. The problem never disappears until you alter you thinking either by medication or by changing your perspective mentally on your own. For instance, if you are balding and you feel like its the end of the world that this is happening to you. A psychiatrist will address this issue by altering your perspective that hair loss can be concealed by hair transplant, or toupees and other ways and then you can look younger and feel better. Or they may have to give you medications that will not allow you to dwell on your hair loss. They will change your perspective that hair loss is trivial and will have no impact on your life or relationships with people or women. Once you change your perspective, you will be able to move ahead but remember every time you look at yourself in the mirror you will still see hair loss but how you react to it will be different if you can change your perspective in a way that it will no longer control you. The problem with this is when you discover a new trait about yourself that you do not like, you will start to dwell on that and then you are back to square one. Sometimes medications can keep you from dwelling on things negatively but they may have bad side effects. The only person that can change your perspective is YOU and nobody else. Its hard to do but if you really want to get better you have to do it because you want to. Not because your psychiatrist wants you to. Luckily we have the internet and I would pretty much say everyone on here is playing psychiatrist to other fellow posters and that is probably the best type of treatment anonymously you can get without going to a psychiatrist if you have a MILD Problem. Suicidal thoughts definitely need a professional licensed psychiatrist. I think S.A F. does a good job as playing psychiatrist for some people on here. Keep up the good work S.A.F :bravo:


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Its a hobby of mine. :mrgreen:


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Yeah, and one of your biggest hobbies is called Taug. That's a real challenge but I think he might be coming around.


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I have, didn't help, but that's just me. It might help for other people. I don't think any pill was going to help a 21 year old that had a receeding hairline with a massive forehead to begin with, then got bad hair transplants. I would have to be put into a coma to not obsess about it, especially when complete strangers would make fun of you, so I wore a hat in public for 7 years in a row, never being seen without it. Went to grad school so I could avoid working and having to show my hair, and then when grad school ended I realized they could do graft excisions, and have been coping the best I can with what I've got, it doesn't look as bad, but my entire donor supply is used up and it still looks a little pluggy, and looks VERY receeded, so at least I can lie about having had hair transplant done.... I really hope this never comes up with my gf. I might admit to her I take rogaine and finasteride, but she likes to give haircuts, and her dad was a stylist, so he'll likely know, and if she ever cuts my hair, she'll see the scarring in the back and likely the ridging in my hairline....

But I still don't know, had I not had hair transplant done, my forehead would be 1.5" larger than it currently is... Literally looking like an alien.


recboi said:
I have, didn't help, but that's just me. It might help for other people. I don't think any pill was going to help a 21 year old that had a receeding hairline with a massive forehead to begin with, then got bad hair transplants. I would have to be put into a coma to not obsess about it, especially when complete strangers would make fun of you, so I wore a hat in public for 7 years in a row, never being seen without it. Went to grad school so I could avoid working and having to show my hair, and then when grad school ended I realized they could do graft excisions, and have been coping the best I can with what I've got, it doesn't look as bad, but my entire donor supply is used up and it still looks a little pluggy, and looks VERY receeded, so at least I can lie about having had hair transplant done.... I really hope this never comes up with my gf. I might admit to her I take rogaine and finasteride, but she likes to give haircuts, and her dad was a stylist, so he'll likely know, and if she ever cuts my hair, she'll see the scarring in the back and likely the ridging in my hairline....

But I still don't know, had I not had hair transplant done, my forehead would be 1.5" larger than it currently is... Literally looking like an alien.

Come on, man... my forehead is huge too yet no one has ever made fun of me because of it. Sad story nevertheless and I really feel you.


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recboi said:
, so at least I can lie about having had hair transplant done.... I really hope this never comes up with my gf. I might admit to her I take rogaine and finasteride, but she likes to give haircuts, and her dad was a stylist, so he'll likely know, and if she ever cuts my hair, she'll see the scarring in the back and likely the ridging in my hairline....

Yes because obviously she'll leave you immeadiatly or divorce you if you're already married, is'nt that right CCS?


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recboi, have you thought up some excuses re: the scar, in case your gf does see it?

You might want to tell her you fell off your bike when you were small and got a gash in your head? :dunno: