Anyone read the new guide by member(Spex)?


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Hey guys, I just happened to stumble upon this site and was kind of surprised to see the logo in it. I looked into into more and realized this guy, Spex, is an active member on all the major hair loss forums. He got a hair transplant and created a guide with about 10 years worth of information condensed in a few short hours. It is a bit expensive though(47$) but it seems like its worth it because of the number of good reviews I've seen scattered throughout different hair loss forums. I believe it is useful.


Here are some reviews I've been reading on other forums but haven't found much here so I thought I would post it here for people interested in hair transplant. I believe this is the most useful for people who are thinking about getting a hair transplant.

hdude46 said:
The program is simply amazing. It's everything you need to know about hair loss in one place. Spending a few hours going through this program would have saved me years of tireless research on the forums as well as a ton of money on products that didn't work. As great as the forums can be to promote discussion on treatments and doctor results, there is still a ton of crap the average consumer has to wade through and unfortunately its easy to fall victim and buy something because of an anonymous posters glowing testimonial of a product. This program separates what works and what doesnt and is a must for every new hair loss sufferer.

Sparky said:
I've had the oppertunity to read the ebook and listen to the audio modules. If you want to avoid getting a bad hair transplant, it's worth looking into this.

I do believe that if this had been around in 1998 when I had a bad hair transplant, and I had read it, it wouldn't of happened to me, I probably wouldn't of had anything done at all, but I wasn't a candidate in the first place.

ej said:
You really cant do enough research before moving forward with a procedure and Spex`s book is a huge help , as I have said before I hope it goes a long way to making repair a thing of the past .

Its sad when you put your faith in reccomended Drs and things dont work out, unfortunatly it appears to be happening more often lately , I remember a particular poster who no longer posts here for various reasons warning people about just how long it takes to master `fue ` and his concern about patients having fue procedures with Drs who had only been practising it for a number of months !!!

Maximum Hair Minimum Loss is essential reading covers just about everything you need to know wish it had been around twenty years ago !

UKResponder said:
I highly recommend this product to anyone who is a hair loss sufferer and most definitely for any one serious about considering a hair transplant. It will go through everything you will ever need to know including several top doctors and clinics giving you a range of highly sought of doctors to consider for your surgery. Extensive post operation advice as well.

I am totally blown away with Maximum hair minimum loss it covers every single concern, issue and after thought I as a hair transplant patient think off, and I find myself having this great digital resource in both ebook format and video format to refer too every time I need reassurance and knowledge of what is going on.

Lastchance said:
Nice work Spex, you've put a lot of work into aquiring all this information over the years so great idea to put this program together. I only just signed up so I've a lot more to get through, but it looks very impressive so far. Just as Pianoman mentions, I too would have benefited greatly from this information over 10 years ago.

I was not able to find any bad reviews except maybe some people not liking the pricing(It comes with a 60 day money back guarantee).....but if you find any post them here.


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I posted it on here and i also have it. It's a great read and if you're lazy like me it comes in video form so you can just watch and listen to spex explain everything about hairloss and he points in you in the right direction to fight your hair loss. It's worth every penny.

I've personaly known spex for 11 years through hairloss and i was lucky enough to find him when i was just 19 and worried sick about hairloss, most people would of taken advantage of a uneducated lad but he helped me with his own spare time, he has always been available to help me and still does now even though im a 31 year old veteran with 3 hair transplants under my belt. He has never charged me a single penny in all them years and this is the first thing i've ever bought from him. He's just a good person i can't speak highly enough of him!