Anyone still find it hard to believe the have male pattern baldness?


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Any of you guys still have a hard time believing that you're losing hair? I know I do. I mean at family gatherings I look around at all my cousins and uncles and father who all have full thick heads of hair, and I think to myself, how in the hell can I be losing hair??

At times I find myself doubting whether I am really losing hair or not, because the genetics just don't make sense.

But then bam I look in the mirror and it all goes down the drainnnnnnnnn


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how old were your parents when they had you, compared to how old your uncles were when they had your cousins? Maybe gene activation changes over time and is passed on to kids differently at different ages. My father was 32 when he had me, though I know my mom's genes play a role too. I'm just trying to figure out why it seems so many 15 and 20 year olds are going bald now, when it used to be mostly 30 year olds, I think. My brother and I both lost ours years ago, and I'm 26, yet my cousin, who is 14 years older than me, did not start loosing his until he was 35, and the rest of the men in my family were Norwood 2 or 3 at age 50 and just NW2 at age 35 or 40. My brother was the first man in every branch of my family to pass NW3, and he is NW5 now. We are the first to use propecia or rogaine. Perhaps it is the sun, perhaps it is chemicals, perhaps it is people having kids later, perhaps it is wigs being more affordable and helping bald men pass on genes. Any ideas?


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hmmm even though my cousins and myself are around the same age their parents had them when they were like 24 or 25. My dad was 30 when he had me.

I do have one cousin, the poor bastard is slick bald and he's only 24, but he's adopted so that doesn't count lol.

I really wonder what kickstarts male pattern baldness much sooner than it should start.


ya, i wonder that too. why the hell suddenly kids loose their hair?