Anyone Taking Costco Finasteride (asc Manufacturer)?


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I'm currently taking Costco finasteride, which is manufactured by Ascend Labs. I took it once back in the summer and had sides. I stopped (not because of sides but because I have bad OCD).

I am now on it again, same manufacturer, but the sides are not as bad as they were the first time. I think maybe my wank two nights ago was less enjoyable and my penis feels a bit sensitive, but besides that no sides.

I'm just worried it's not legit finasteride? I had sides the first time and not now, so why would that be?

Also, the manufacturer has a bad history if you Google their name.

Is anyone else taking Costco finasteride? Is it Ascend Labs? Have you had results with it?

I just want peace of mind that I'm doing all I can about my hair loss, so maybe I'll just switch to Propecia.


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I just started costco generic finasteride but its from Mfr. Camber. I will keep you posted