Anyone taking oral flutamide, androcur?

le voleur

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Is anyone using these big guns? I couldn't bring myself to get on the stuff due to the potential deadly side effects especially with the liver.

I know a lot of people take oral spironolactone and oral minoxidil.

There has to be a safer way to get rid of the all the sex hormones besides castration.


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minoxidil and spironolactone are two totally different things. Flutamide (so i heard) is an INCREDIBLY potent anti-androgen. I wouldn't recommend it orally to ANYONE. Same with spironolactone. It's usually used topically.

Oral minoxidil is also potentially dangerous because it is used for relief of hypertension (high blood pressure). Using it orally can cause heart problems, vascular disorders, and any other form of venal, arterial, or pulmonary disorders...if you're susceptible to them.

Do what you will though.

le voleur

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Stingray said:
minoxidil and spironolactone are two totally different things. Flutamide (so i heard) is an INCREDIBLY potent anti-androgen. I wouldn't recommend it orally to ANYONE. Same with spironolactone. It's usually used topically.

Oral minoxidil is also potentially dangerous because it is used for relief of hypertension (high blood pressure). Using it orally can cause heart problems, vascular disorders, and any other form of venal, arterial, or pulmonary disorders...if you're susceptible to them.

Yes, I know all this already. I'm well aware of what these drugs do and their potential side effects. I'm just trying to see if anybody here is using them.

I'd take oral spironolactone any day over the topical. I've nothing against topical anti androgens, but I'd prefer to wipe out the androgens in the body rather than play goal line defense when they get there.

I ordered some Premarin from an online pharmacy in new zealand a couple years back, but it was delivered to my friends house and i never ended up getting it.

Something like flutamide would be great, but the problem is with male pattern baldness is you have to take these pills forever, and that's just not an option with something as dangerous as


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Ok then..what are the rammifications of removing 99% of androgens (male hormones) from the male body?

b**ch tits, ZERO sex drive, feminization...ooh but your hair won't fall out.

Betcha didn't know this... spironolactone and Finasteride are a hormone therapy coctail given to pre-op transexuals to start feminizing the body before the surgery.

Liver diseases should be the worst of your worries.

Get the f*** on finasteride. If you wanna use spironolactone, use it topically. It's not worth the hazards of taking them internally.

le voleur

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Stingray said:
Ok then..what are the rammifications of removing 99% of androgens (male hormones) from the male body?

b**ch tits, ZERO sex drive, feminization...ooh but your hair won't fall out.

Betcha didn't know this... spironolactone and Finasteride are a hormone therapy coctail given to pre-op transexuals to start feminizing the body before the surgery.

Liver diseases should be the worst of your worries.

Of course I know this. It is common knowledge. Who cares about a little feminization if it will stop hairloss? Who needs a sex drive? I'd rather kep my hair and be free of sexual desires than be a pervy balding guy. The problem with finasteride in my opinion is that it only inhibits 5ar, this means the free testosterone levels go up. It's just not potent enough. Then there is the issue of tolerance. I think you should use any thing and everything that is anti-androgenic in addition to finasteride and (and a growth stimulator because we know suppressing androgens isn't enough).

Other things which should be eaten/taken in massive quantities which are antiandrogenic:

serenoa repens



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I don't mean a LITTLE feminization bro.. I mean complete loss of masculine functions. Who wants to look good if you are completely incapable of reaping the benifits thereof? But do what you want.

For some reason I think this guy is just all talk. Trying to start an argument.

I'm done with this one too.

le voleur

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Stingray said:
I don't mean a LITTLE feminization bro.. I mean complete loss of masculine functions. Who wants to look good if you are completely incapable of reaping the benifits thereof? But do what you want.

Right, and if you're genetically predisposed to hairloss, the same forces that drive those masculine functions you hold so precious cause your hair to fall out. So if you don't get rid of those androgens your hair is toast unless you can suppress them locally which is more difficult.

There are more benefits to having hair than women. Also getting with women is not the only way it can be measured. There's a certain satisfaction just in knowing women are more attracted to you when you go out. I don't know where you're from but in West L.A., hair matters, and masculinity is not important. I'd much rather parade around like the great gatsby hormone free and throw extravagant parties than a pervy balding guy masturbating.

I just find your attitude to be a little unjustified since you don't seem to know much about what you're talking about, such as your absurd statement that "it's rare for someone to be losing their hair at age 17-20", and "castration doesn't prevent hairloss after puberty". These are false statements.

You seem to think having a sex drive is more important than hair. I disagree. The only reason i haven't done the castration is because I might like to have kids some day and castration renders this impossible. One could always bank some sperm i imagine, but if the stash runs out or ends up being no good then there's no turning back at that point.


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I'd rather be ridiculed for showing scalp than being ridiculed for lactating b**ch tits. Have fun.