Anyone tried intermittent fasting?


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I've been intermittent fasting for the last month.

After watching this BBC documentary the health gains seemed too good to pass up...

ADA - alternate day fasting, one day severe calorie restriction/next day normal calories seemed too harsh
5day/2day - 2 day fast over the weekend say, then 5 days normal eating seemed too harsh
IF - Intermittent fasting, 16 hours fast window, 8 hour eating window typically seemed doable

I didn't think I'd ever give fasting a try simply because I love breakfast so much and feel sick with hunger upon waking, but 4 weeks on I don't think i'll crave breakfast again.

I've lost a stone in weight, 34" waist has become 32", 16% bodyfat is now 13%. I'm not eating any less food, but eating everything between 1pm - 9pm. So I wake up, skip breakfast, skip mid morning snack, and break the fast at 1pm with lunch, I eat throughout the afternoon and finish with my final meal at 9pm (I used to have supper as late as 1130pm!)

Along with the weight and fat shredding benefits i'm quite keen to see how it can help retain a full head of hair and/or delay the speed at which baldness progresses.


HGH, human growth hormone is increased when fasting - this puts the body in repair mode


IGF-1, increases when not fasting, this stops human growth hormone production and is damaging

(It is now widely accepted that signaling through the insulin/IGF-1-like receptor pathway is a significant contributor to the biological aging process in many organisms.)

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