Anyone try topical feverfew?


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There was an old thread about it way back in 2003 on ha irsite where the poster mentioned a complete 100% halt of shedding and some minor regrowth.

Feverfew is known to inhibit nf kappa b, which is associated with the inflammatory male pattern baldness process..

Anyone ever tried it?


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Yes tried it for quite some time years ago (tincture and also extract from "NOW").However, I cannot say for sure if it did something good or not. I can say it didn't hurt.


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No stop in shedding? How long did you try it? (maybe your tinctures werent to the proper amount of parthenolide)



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For the most part I used the standardised extract from NOW (0.9% parthenolide), dissolved in alcohol, and applied together with minoxidil.Although it was my impression that the tincture was more potent.I wasn't particularly shedding at that time and otherwise I was quite happy with my hair loss.What I was trying to do was recoupe some ground in the temporal regions ("temples").What I wanted to say is that I didn't notice anyting spectacular.But wasn't applying a lot of the stuff because it was green.. - so, only once a day.Perhaps applying it excessively would yield better results. But again it was somewhat staining.Anyway my impression is that there is more potent stuff with less hassle to it (i.e. essential oils).To counter NF-kb I nowadays use taurine.


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Inflamil by Lipoxidil(no longer around) contained it..the reviews on it were overwhelmingly positive. For reducing/eliminating inflammation that is. Of course it contained other goodies as well.

I'm sure there's been something else I've used over the years that contained it as well..