Anyone trying any experimental treatment?


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Hi! First, sorry for my poor english :whistle:
I wanted to ask you if anyone is trying any TOPICAL experimental treatment like any of the next ones... :)
* CRTH2 (or GPR44) Antagonists: Indole-3-acetic acids,Ramatroban and analogues, 4-aminotetrahydroquinoline derivatives K117 and K604.
* Quercetin
* PTGDS inhibitor
* Sodium chromoglycate
* Vitamin E Succinate

:innocent: I want to try a PTGDS inhibitor but I can't find (at least in Google) any one that could be available at a pharmacy... do you know of any? (I think they're only experimental because their names are codes or long chemistry names) like the other options, e.g. ramatroban (but its available in Japan , and I'm in Argentina.. 20000 km. away :( ) Also I'm an engineering student, so I have no money and no life , but mostly I have no money :thumbdown2:
:) :) :)
I wanted to know if you are trying something new , now that we know that prostaglandins are involved :)