Anyone using from inhousepharmacy


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I'm both broke and unnable to obtain a prescription for finasteride

i was wondering if anyone has experience with Fincar from inhousepharmacy

if you do and you have success let me know so i can actually have the confidence to buy this



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Inhouse is fine.....use the search function. There have been countless threads on this recently.


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I buy dutas from inhouse. The UV spectrum matched the spectrum of an Avodart pill someone maled me. That does not prove it is the same, but it is a very good sign, and shows it is not a blank. Someone also sent me a fincar pill. It looked just like a proscar pill, though. And the UV spectrum was the same as the UV spectrum of my US bought Proscar. This UV spectrums are not possitive for identification, but these did show that the right amount of a chemical that at least has a very similar spectrum was in those pills, and none of the filler compounds show up in the UV. Of course that was just one test, but even if we question whether others will be fake, we at least know that inhouse has the capability of getting the real stuff. I think most fakes are just blanks with filler, not filler with other compounds intended to trick FDA. They know FDA won't be tricked, and I doubt they are expecting someone like me to do a more basic test.

The spectra were unclear enough that I could not be 100% positive that the dutasteride was not finasteride, at my skill level. I was bothered that one of the UV peaks smoothly caried over into the visual spectrum in the finasteride samples, and the finasteride samples were clowdy with filler. I don't know what to make of that. And the two chemists on this site are not helping out. One of them just laughed at me.