Anyone With Experience With This Please Share Your Insight Or Recommendation


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Need some help from the forum here, anyone with experience with ordering any research chemicals from the likes of wuhan from Alibaba, or kane, or any others? I have some CB coming, and I'm from the USA. Read a few times now that us customs might cease the package and then contact me, someone posted on another thread stating that they ask you for your companys tax ID and all of this stuff and what the purpose is for the end result... but I have no company so? The only other thing I have heard is your supposed to say its just for research purposes and not for personal use, which i understand and that's what i plan on doing. But i definitely dont think its just going to go that smoothly if they do get ahold of it and if i tell them that then they will just say "okay sir awesome have a great day". Anywasy does anyone have any past experiences with this if i DO end up getting a call from them or any tips on what i should say to cover my ***? Thanks a lot!