anyone with proxifen results yet?


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dam for such an expensive and promising product there sure isnt much actual user backing, why? too new? too much bling bling $$?


the majority of Proxiphen users have had to sell their computers to buy the medication.


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I tried prox-n which is the cheaper form without prescription meds in it like spironolactone and phenytoin. I wasnt impressed. However, I only used 1 bottle. I figured wny bother when it has a bunch of stuff in it that isnt proven and its way overpriced.

Proxiphen(prescription) could potentially be a very good product since spironolactone is proven to block androgen binding and phenytoin is proven to have a hair growth effect. However, it costs 100/month. Due to my current job being a very good one I could afford it but I just use minoxidil and nizoral since in all my long trials these have worked the best and I'm lucky enough to be a very slow diffuser.

I think Dr. Proctor is probably a decent guy but his stuff is very cheaply packaged and I tend to question anything that sounds too good to be true an is way overpriced. I'd be willing to bet he could easily sell his prescription proxiphen for 40/month and it would still be profitable. Plus his website is so old and hasnt been updated in years. Does all this matter? Not really but its a turnoff for me so I dont buy.


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The truth is that NOONE in has used it long enough to show results - besides Bryan.

I think I kind of triggered an interest in the product as I jumped the Proxi-wagon. I've been using the product for 2 months, but too early to have visible effect, needless to say.


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ya that is probably too early for anyone to notice a difference,but YOU can tell in a couple months if it is swinging towards the positive side or not, i understand you not wanting to "jump the gun" but what do you think so far?