Appeals Court Ruled Against Trump's Travel Ban.


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he is probably going to re-write it -- to be more within our constitution which would take out the religious test..which to me is the most offensive part.

I'm not entirely opposed to limiting the number of people coming or vetting them better from these countries( as well as other countries to be honest) i am opposed to the religious test as moderate muslims are suffering as well as the Christians..and that language in the Executive Order would just fuel the 'holy war' intent of these radical muslims for recruitment and for lone wolf radicalization or home grown terrorists...i also don't think people who are already vetted should be stopped from coming in..the way he implemented this was sloppy and problematic it was stopping University students from returning kept families children's stranded. To me it just emphasizes the ineptness/sloppiness/irresponsibility of his surrounding team of people advising him.

you are not going to get many people here who are going to be moderate on this as the most politically vocal people on the forum are mostly Trump supporters mainly for this issue. Anyone who criticizes him or his administration is considered automatically to be a 'leftie'...i mean you have to LOL.