Apple Polyphenols?


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Has anyone tried apple polyphenols and or Procyanidin b2 to help regrow hair and if so what was the success rate?
There seems to be a lot of scientific evidence to suggest that new hair growth is increased by taking these suppliments or used topically.


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I've always tried to use something that contained 'em..topically. Hard to say how well they'd work on their own..I've always used 'em with something else...usually rotating various topicals.


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I suppose that when you mix things it is hard to tell if one individual substance works better or not?
I just thought that with all the hype surrounding different reports on the apple polyphenols and procyandin b2 that someone would have used or tried it on its own and got results because if the reports are anything to believe then this should be knocking minoxidil on the head!!


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Yeah..but the problem is..minoxidil doesn't do a whole lot for many either. Also, it seems the "studies" were done with pure procyanidins...but the ingreds/products we're using contain things such as grape seed extract and apple peel extract..etc..that just contain the pro's. Even if you have enough of those extracts in a product to make it contain 2% procyandin B-2(or take your pick) that the same as using the pure pro b-2???


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Good points Jacob.
Still makes you wonder why companies won't go down that route in supplying a purer substance for use?
I have read and re-read a lot of these clinical studies and trials and they all point towards this stuff actually making a difference.
Also being natural and water soluable i would have thought that it is safer for us with little to no sides?


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I think the reason is it'd be too expensive. I used the Japanese product some years ago...that was based on those studies. I should remember if they claimed pure pro's in that product or not..but with all the debate on- does something contain pure B-2 etc or just grape seed head is spinning just thinking about it. I think it did contain the pure pro's....


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machman said:
Has anyone tried apple polyphenols and or Procyanidin b2 to help regrow hair and if so what was the success rate?
There seems to be a lot of scientific evidence to suggest that new hair growth is increased by taking these suppliments or used topically.

My cousin used a b2 Dimer lotion % 2 for 5-6 months. (with Pantenol (provitamin B5 and allantoin)

He got thicker hairs, had good re-growth.


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It appears to have the required ingredient at a 1% strength.

"Revigen Vinifolin Hair Tonic Spray 100ml. The newest discovery to combat hair loss. An apple a day keeps the baldness away. Apple Procyanidin B2 is a natural hair growth agent. The concentration of the solution is adjusted to 1 % procyanidin B2,in clinical trials 1 % solution found to be the best possible strenght for stimulating hair follicle"

Here is a link to the product. Click on the back of the box image it will enlarge the pic and you can see all the ingredients listings. I may give this a try.


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sorry jacob, I didnt add the link.Here it is: ... 10002.html

The ApplePoly site looks like a scam site. Plus they dont list any ingredient details. I find that sus. I want a specific direct amount of the specific Procyanins used.

At least the above links product says specifically 1% Procyanidin B-2. Which is what the Japanese study used. Plus they show all the ingredients detail.

Sure I would like a nanosomes 1% Procyanidin B-2 topical as well but who sells that? Plus Im pretty sure from memory the Japanese used ethanol as the main cariier agent. Do you have a link to that whole Japanese study? I think there are 2 studies.

Also jacob have you ever used PolyGro?


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Well the details are there..somewhere. On another site it says:

But yeah..the other site *looks* more legit. The other place/guy does sell a apple pro supplement as well. If you do a search some have used least as far back as 2005.

The studies are out there somewhere..I'll look sometime if it doesn't get posted before then. I used the Japanese product for quite some time. I liked the stuff...but moved on to other things eventually. I guess I wouldn't mind using something like that again for awhile..but it'd sure be nice to have other goodies in the product as well.


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The ApplePoly site list this: PROPRIETARY APPLE PROCYANIDINS 4%

What is that exactly? The other site is very specific in that it contains 1% Procyanidin B-2.

How much Procyanidin B-2 does "PROPRIETARY APPLE PROCYANIDINS 4%" contain? :dunno:

Why doesnt elsom sell this topical jacob?

Also I read that Japanese link you posted. They also make no mention of the amount of Procyanidin B-2 used. Apparently its quite an expensive active.


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The answer to the % may be out there the product was talked about quite a bit and the guy behind the site/products did respond to emails. Obviously it's not just the B-2's in it..and if I remember correctly some of the others were also shown to be beneficial. I think one was even supposedly better than the B-2's. The Japanese product..they used the % that was in the study.

Awhile back I inquired with Elsom and was told the cost didn't make sense when other things could be used. The only way they would have done it is if a bunch of ppl would have gotten together for a batch purchase. I don't know if they'd say the same thing these days. My guess is the cost hasn't come down a whole lot..


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The maximum growth-promoting activity for hair epithelial cells with procyanidin B-2, an epicatechin dimer, reached about 300% (30 muM) relative to controls (=100%) in a 5 d culture. Optimum concentration of procyanidin C-1, an epicatechin trimer, was lower than that of procyanidin B-2; the maximum growth-promoting activity of procyanidin C-1 was about 220% (3 muM). No other flavonoid compounds examined exhibit higher proliferative activities than the procyanidins. In skin constituent cells, only epithelial cells such as hair keratinocytes or epidermal keratinocytes respond to procyanidin oligomers. Topical application of 1% procyanidin oligomers on shaven C3H mice in the telogen phase led to significant hair regeneration [procyanidin B-2, 69.6% plusminus 21.8% (mean plusminus SD); procyanidin B-3, 80.9% plusminus 13.0%; procyanidin C-1, 78.3% plusminus 7.6%] on the basis of the shaven area; application of vehicle only led to regeneration of 41.7% (SD = 16.3%). In this paper, we demonstrate the hair-growing activity of procyanidin oligomers both in vitro and in vivo, and their potential for use as agents to induce hair growth.