applying spironolactone


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Is there any problem with applying spironolactone and folligen at the same time? Or should you wait let one soak in and then apply the other? I mean copper peptides aren't going to inhibit spironolactone's effectiveness are they?? I should be getting my spironolactone soon but also does it cause any irritation or anything like that??


Senior Member
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Send an email to Dr. Lee he'll probably have an answer for ya. Chances are he'll tell you to apply the spironolactone first, give it 10-15 minutes then use the Folligen. That's what he recommends when using spironolactone and minoxidil.

I've been using 2% and 5% spironolactone for two weeks now. The 2% seems to have a high alcohol content (strong alcohol smell) but it hasn't irritated my scalp one bit. I seem to tolerate topicals pretty well since minoxidil doesn't bother me one bit either.
