"apricot K" Or Something Like That?


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I saw something like this mentioned in a post, can't find it though. Think you have to get it online. Anyone know what it is called and how to get it? Anyone tried it and have any results (or lack thereof) to report?



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Alpicort F.
If this was that effective I guess we all would be using it


My Regimen
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I saw something like this mentioned in a post, can't find it though. Think you have to get it online. Anyone know what it is called and how to get it? Anyone tried it and have any results (or lack thereof) to report?


Whatevr used that. His hair looks Norwood 1 now.

Jesus f*****g Christ! I wish I could get some of that!


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Can someone explain how estrogen helps hair, when it does not interact with the androgen receptor? I still don't understand.


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@whatevr do you know if alfatradiol is also dangerous? I know Alpicort F has a high concentration of estradiol but what about Pantostin or Ell Carnel?

From wikipedia :

"Alfatradiol binds to the ERα and ERβ with 58% and 11% of the relative binding affinity of 17β-estradiol. However, it has 100-fold lower estrogenic activity relative to estradiol"

I used Pantostin for over a year, did n't really cause any regrowth. Alfatradiol is a 5ar inhibitor so the method of action is like finasteride rather than estradiol. The quantites in Pantotsin are too small for it to be really effective or cause sexual sides.


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There is no side-effect free hair loss treatment yet. Quit bitching and make a choice, bald and drug free, or accept the risk and take treatments.


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There is no side-effect free hair loss treatment yet. Quit bitching and make a choice, bald and drug free, or accept the risk and take treatments.

People have a right to make informed descisions. Side affects for drugs vary vastly so it's not a binary choice and for 99.99% of male sufferers feminisation is not an acceptable choice.


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There is no side-effect free hair loss treatment yet. Quit bitching and make a choice, bald and drug free, or accept the risk and take treatments.
Ketoconazole is not only proven but I have also never heard of people having sides on it. Also it's about knowing if the statistical probability of the side effects are low enough to be able to risk it, like with finasteride.


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Ketoconazole is not only proven but I have also never heard of people having sides on it. Also it's about knowing if the statistical probability of the side effects are low enough to be able to risk it, like with finasteride.

Everyone here uses Ketoconazole, and it's never stopped anyone's hair loss on its own. So, using it as an example is kind of pointless. It's not like you can just take Ketoconazole and save your hair without any side effects.